August Friedrich Siegmund Green

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August Friedrich Siegmund Green (born September 12, 1736 in Kesselsdorf near Dresden , † May 20, 1798 in Leipzig ) was a German lawyer .


August Friedrich Siegmund Green was the son of a preacher working in Kesselsdorf. He studied law at the University of Leipzig and after completing his studies in 1759 became city counsel in Wurzen. But he only did this for a short time. After he had acquired his legal doctorate through an inaugural dissertation ( De alienatione fideicommissi familiae ob damnum fatale, imprimis belli , Leipzig 1762) , he was appointed as an assessor at the Leipzig Higher Court and as a consistorial councilor. In 1772 he became an assessor at the Leipzig Faculty of Law and in 1776 a councilor.

Green held these offices conscientiously and used his free time to discuss legal issues, particularly in the area of bill of exchange and inheritance law , among others in the following programs:

  • Quaestiones quaedam de collatione bonorum , Leipzig 1773
  • An vidua, quae statutariam portionem capit, pro herede mariti habenda sit , Leipzig 1776
  • De renunciatione praescriptionis in cambio , Leipzig 1777
  • De transmissione heredidatis delatae, non aditae , Leipzig 1792
  • Observationes juris cambialis de amissione litterarum cambialium , Leipzig 1793

Green was also one of the founding members of the Leipzig Concert Directorate and in 1786 became the councilor and head of the Thomas School in Leipzig . He died in Leipzig in 1798 at the age of 61.


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