August Hermann Werner

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August Hermann Werner

August Hermann Werner (born June 21, 1808 in Stuttgart , † June 18, 1882 in Ludwigsburg ) was a German doctor and founder of a children's hospital.

He attended the Eberhard-Ludwigs-Gymnasium in Stuttgart and made his Abitur there. He then studied medicine in Tübingen, Munich and Würzburg.

Werner, whose older brother Karl Friedrich Werner also performed social tasks as a pastor, began in 1832 when he learned that the "rescue houses" for neglected children offered sick and disabled children no chance to look after this clientele. So he opened a practice in Neckarsulm in 1832.

In 1834 he moved to Ludwigsburg, where he ran a practice in a rented apartment. But the institution grew into a children's hospital, the Werner Children's Hospital, which cared for more than 10,000 children within twenty years. Already to Dr. During Werner's lifetime further branches were added, in Ludwigsburg the Maria-Martha-Stift, the Wilhelm-Stift and the Charlotten-Stift were established. During this time, the Bethesda saltwater pool was built in Jagstfeld and the Herrnhilfe rest home in Bad Wildbad. The institutions were later continued by the foundation. Werner not only took care of the medical treatment, but also an education for the children. He was supported by his wife.

In 1837 he married Karoline Katharine Gmelin, with whom he had eleven children

He was financially supported in his work by Henriette von Nassau-Weilburg and her daughter Pauline von Württemberg .

One of his best-known patients was Margarete Steiff , who temporarily lived in the doctor's household and was operated on by him - unsuccessfully. Today's Karlshöhe emerged from Werner's foundation . The August Hermann Werner School in Markgröningen is named after Werner.

Remembrance day

June 17th in the Evangelical Name Calendar .


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