August Mietz

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August Mietz

August Mietz (born January 20, 1898 in Maidan , Volhynia , † unknown) was a German politician ( NSDAP ).

After attending school, August Mietz completed a commercial apprenticeship. Later he took part in the First World War. From 1920 to 1933 he worked as a businessman, including as an auditor at the Graf Bismarck colliery in Gelsenkirchen . From 1934 he was director and member of the board of the Gelsenkirchener Glückauf brewery.

From November 1934 he was politically active as treasurer of the NSDAP, was councilor in Münster and provincial councilor of the province of Westphalia . On August 23, 1943 Mietz came after replacement for the retired deputies Fritz Schmidt as a deputy in the Nazi Reichstag one in which he held until the end of the Nazi regime in the spring of 1945 the constituency 17 (Westphalia North) represented.

In the address book of Münster for 1941/1942 Mietz is listed with residence at Gröningerstrasse 16 and the job title "Gauschatzmeister".


Individual evidence

  1. Federal Archives Berlin-Lichterfelde, Main Office for People's Welfare of the NSDAP NS 37/4607, August Mietz fact sheet. Description can be called up by invenio .