August Nattermann

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August Nattermann (born March 29, 1861 in Cologne ; † September 9, 1923 there ) was a Cologne entrepreneur and owner of the pharmaceutical company A. Nattermann & Cie.


August Nattermann studied pharmacology in Cologne and after his wedding with the baker's daughter Augusta Baur set up the “Augusta drugstore” in the house next door to his father-in-law at Stephanstraße 13 (near St. Maria im Kapitol ). He knew the official drug catalog and had practical experience in pharmacy-friendly drug preparation. As a 45-year-old, he used this knowledge to found a pharmaceutical company. As a partner he found the businessman Rudolf Lappe (born April 17, 1878 in Barmen , † February 27, 1954 in Cologne), who was currently completing his commercial training at the Cologne drug store Coenen & Dr. Schieffer , which was taken over in 1905 by the Handelsgesellschaft Deutscher Apotheker (Hageda). Lappe was appointed director, but he switched to self-employment a year later.


The first reference to the A. Nattermann & Cie. can be found in the Kölnische Volkszeitung on January 21, 1906 under the heading "Entries in the commercial register". It had the legal form of an oHG with two personally liable partners, August Nattermann and Rudolf Lappe. Both began to develop ready-made preparations with standardized medicinal content - a novelty that was successful on the market from the start. In March 1909, Rudolf Lappe appeared in the commercial register as the sole owner and continued the Nattermann company.

August Nattermann remained involved as a partner and, meanwhile, cooperated with the pharmacist and chemist Heinrich Schieffer, the former Lappes trainer from Coenen & Dr. Schieffer , with whom Nattermann has been working since 1912 under the name “Dr. Schieffer “sold natural remedies such as metabolic salt , blood purification tea and iron tincture. August Nattermann continued his research until 1923 and died in Cologne at the age of 62.

In Cologne Bocklemünd / Mengenich is Nattermann avenue named after him.

Individual evidence

  1. Landesarchiv NRW Rhineland Department, Civil Status Register, Regional Court District Cologne, Registry Office Cologne, Births, 1861, 1861 Volume 03, Document No. 1022.
  2. Landesarchiv NRW Rhineland department, civil status register, registry office Cologne III, deaths, 1923, 1923 Volume 01, document no. 723.
  3. Thomas Deres, Krank - Gesund: 2000 years of health in Cologne , 2005, o. P.
  4. Ulrich S. Soénius , Jürgen Wilhelm : Cologne persons lexicon , Greven Verlag, Cologne 2008, p 316th