August Philipp Ottokar Meyer

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August Philipp Ottokar Meyer (born May 1, 1835 in Hölterhoff near Radevormwald ; † February 26, 1908 in Eitorf ) was the head of the sanatorium and nursing home for the mentally ill and the ill in Eitorf, one of the first clinics for the mentally ill in the Rhineland .

August Meyer


August Meyer grew up as the son of Carl Friedrich Meyer and Antoinette Meyer, née Komp, in Elberfeld and Eitorf . He made his Abitur at the Friedrich Wilhelm High School in Cologne . On October 24, 1857, he enrolled at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in Bonn in the field of medicine. After semesters at the University of Würzburg and internships in the Siegburg insane asylum , he received his license to practice medicine in 1862 .

career path

He did his one year military service and opened a practice in Gütersloh in 1863 . Also in 1863 he married his cousin , the widowed Amalia Maria Elisabeth von Wenckstern, and moved with her to Gütersloh. In the Austro-Prussian War of 1866 he took part as an assistant doctor. He then practiced briefly in Lerno and then moved to Eitorf , where he advertised as a doctor, surgeon and obstetrician. In the Franco-Prussian War in 1870 he was called up as a medical officer and received the Iron Cross, 2nd class , for his service .

He then worked as a health insurance doctor in Droyssig . In 1872 the couple divorced. August Meyer made scientific trips to Vienna, Dublin and England. From 1873 he ran his father's private sanatorium and nursing home in Eitorf , which was officially certified in 1874. In the same year he married Hermine Henriette Eleonore Roerdansz from Münster. In 1881 he had to close the institution that his father had transferred to an annuity. He moved to Isselburg and in 1882 to Elberfeld , where he then opened a practice.

After his father's death in 1888, he moved back to Eitorf and built a new sanatorium. In 1899 this was closed again. The building was then owned by Schoeller's worsted spinning mill at the beginning of the 20th century . Today it is the post office.

In 1878 Meyer inherited from his father-in-law Roerdansz, the adjutant of Ludwig Adolf Wilhelm von Lützow , the certificate of founding the Freikorps of the same name. He presented this to Kaiser Wilhelm I. in a half-hour private audience .
