August Vogler

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August Vogler

Johann August Vogler (born September 20, 1790 in Hachenburg , † December 22, 1860 in Ems ) was a spa doctor and member of the state parliament.


August Vogler attended the Weilburg high school until 1807 and then studied medicine in Heidelberg and Würzburg . After completing his studies in 1812 with a doctorate to become Dr. med. had completed, he became a regimental doctor in Nassau in 1814 and then an assistant to the Nassau government in Wiesbaden . From 1818 to 1836 he was medical advisor for the Nassau office in Bad Ems according to the medical edict of 1818 . In 1818 he was also appointed court advisor and in 1830 senior medical advisor. From 1836 he was a free practicing spa doctor in Bad Ems.

From 1852 until his resignation in 1884 he was a member of the second chamber of the estates of the Duchy of Nassau for constituency XII (Nassau) .


August Vogler, who was a Protestant denomination, was the son of the doctor and pharmacist Johann Andreas Vogler (born October 20, 1753 in Darmstadt ; † October 12, 1826 in Hachenburg) and his wife Amalie Helene Friederike née Clotz (August 5, 1766 in Hachenburg ; † February 3, 1836 ibid). Johann Andreas Vogler was a doctor of medicine, burggräflich-kirch bergischer Hofarzt- and body Medicus of Viscount August of Kirchberg and urban and Landphysikus. He was also a pharmacist and owner of the Hachenburg pharmacy . The mother was the daughter of the government councilor Clotz.

August Vogler married his first wife in Ems in November 1817, Christiane Wilhelmine née Usener (born November 7, 1798 in Weilburg; † May 21, 1829 in Ems), the daughter of District Administrator Karl Valentin Usener and his wife Susanne Caroline née Popp.

On October 10, 1830 he married the second marriage in Ems Wilhelmine born Gosebruch (born March 9, 1812 in Hamm , † September 1, 1890 in Ems), the daughter of the mayor Dietrich Wilhelm Gosebruch and his wife Johanna Wilhelmine Christine born Cramer.


August Vogler is the author of various works on mineral fountains, including:

  • About the use of mineral springs, especially those in the Ems. Sauerländer, Frankfurt am Main 1840, ( digitized version ).


  • Jochen Lengemann : MdL Hessen. 1808-1996. Biographical index (= political and parliamentary history of the state of Hesse. Vol. 14 = publications of the Historical Commission for Hesse. Vol. 48, 7). Elwert, Marburg 1996, ISBN 3-7708-1071-6 , p. 391.
  • Nassau parliamentarians. Part 1: Cornelia Rösner: The Landtag of the Duchy of Nassau 1818–1866 (= publications of the Historical Commission for Nassau. 59 = Prehistory and history of parliamentarism in Hesse. 16). Historical Commission for Nassau, Wiesbaden 1997, ISBN 3-930221-00-4 , p. 180.

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