Auguste Boulanger

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Auguste Henri Léon Boulanger (born February 4, 1866 in Lille ; † 1923 ) was a French applied mathematician and professor of mechanics.

Boulanger studied at the École polytechnique and received his licentiate and his agrégation in 1887. He then taught at the École des Beaux-Arts and at the Institut industriel du Nord (École centrale de Lille). At the same time he heard from Paul Painlevé , with whom he received his doctorate and whose Leçons sur l'intégration des équations de la mécanique he published. In 1900 he became Maître de conférences for mechanics (a newly created position at the time) after having previously given lectures at the University of Lille . From 1906 he was professor adjointe. From 1914 until his death in 1923 he was an examiner, repetitor and finally Directeur des Études at the École Polytechnique in Paris and also professor of mechanics at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers .

In his investigations into mechanics, elasticity theory and hydraulics he worked with Henri Padé , Paul Painlevé and Joseph Boussinesq . Among other things, he dealt with solitary waves. He worked on the French edition of the Encyclopedia of Mathematical Sciences . In 1921 he was president of the Société Mathématique de France .

As a mathematician, he dealt with differential equations, algebraic equations, differential geometry and continuous transformation groups.


  • with Paul Painlevé: Cours complémentaire de mécanique rationnelle: leçons sur l'intégration des équations différentielles de la mécanique et applications, Paris, A. Hermann, 1895
  • Leçons de mécanique élémentaire, Lille, Imp. Barrez-Dubreucq, 1901-1902
  • Lever des plans et nivellement. Leçons professées à l'Institut industriel du Nord, Lille, Imp. Schaller, 1901–1902
  • Leçons de Mécanique appliquée: Mécanique des solides naturels, Elasticité et Résistance des matériaux, Hydraulique: Leçons professées à l'Institut industriel du Nord, Lille, Imp. Schaller, 1905–1906
  • Hydraulique générale: Tome I. Principes et Genealogie fondamentaux, Tome II. Problèmes à singularités et applications, Paris, Éditeur O. Doin et fils, 1909
  • Étude sur la propagation des ondes liquides dans les tuyaux élastiques, Tarlandier, 1913
  • with Th. Got: Dynamique des solides tournants. Phénomènes gyroscopiques, théorie élémentaire et applications, Paris, Gauthier-Villars 1926
  • Leçons choisies de mécanique: II. Les Principes de la mécanique des ressorts, Gauthier-Villars, 1927

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