Augustin Lippi

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Augustin Lippi (* 1678 in Paris , † November 10, 1705 in Sennar ) was a French doctor and botanist of Italian descent.

Live and act

Augustin Lippi was born in Paris in 1678. His parents came from the Italian town of Lucca . He studied medicine at the University of Paris and collected plants in Egypt .

In 1703 the French King Louis XIV planned to establish trade relations with the Kingdom of Ethiopia and to resume missionary activities. For this purpose, a delegation should travel to the Ethiopian Negus Iyasu I. The initially commissioned French consul in Cairo, Benoît de Maillet , shied away from the difficulties and dangers of the journey and, in turn, suggested the vice consul of Damiette Le Noir Du Roule (1665? -1705) to carry out the journey.

Despite the hostility towards the mission from the Jesuits , the Franciscans and the Coptic Patriarch , a small group, including Augustin Lippi, set out from Cairo on July 9, 1704.

The path led them along the Nile to the city of Asyut . On October 3rd, the group reached Selfma and thirteen days later they arrived in Moshi , where an extended stay was made.

At the end of May 1705 the delegation reached Sennar , located on the Blue Nile , in Badi III. ruled Sultanate of Sannar . Here the onward journey was delayed again and again. On November 10, 1705, the six-member group was attacked and murdered on a square in Sennar. Only one of the Europeans survived.

Dedication names

William Houstoun named the genus Lippia of the verbena family (Verbenaceae) in his honor . Carl von Linné later took over this name.


  • Quaestio Medica: An ab ovo conceptus hominis? Paris, 1698
  • Quaestio Medica: An cometa morborum proenuntius . Paris, 1699
  • Quaestio Medica: An scorbutus aegritudo nova . Paris, 1699


  • Frédéric Cailliaud : Voyage à Meroë: au fleuve Blanc, au-delà de Fazoql dans le midi du royaume de Snnâr à Syouah tc . Paris (1823-27). Volume 2, pp. 303ff
  • Joseph Pitton de Tournefort : Institutiones rei herbariae . Volume 1, pp. XXVI-XXXVII
  • Jerónimo Lobo: Voyage historique d'Abissinie . Amsterdam, 1728
  • Paul Belouino: Dictionnaire général et complet des persécutions souffertes par l'Église catholique . 1851. p. 58
  • Haggai Erlich, Israel Gershoni (Editor): The Nile Histories, Cultures, Myths . London, 2000. ISBN 1555876722
  • EA Wallis Budge: The Egyptian Sudan: Its History and Monuments Part One . 2004. ISBN 1417977221
  • Umberto Quattrocchi: CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names: Common Names, Scientific Names, Eponyms, Synonyms, and Etymology . CRC Press Inc., 2000, p. 1507. ISBN 0849326761

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Date of death according to EA Wallis Budge: The Egyptian Sudan: Its History and Monuments Part One . 2004. ISBN 1417977221
  2. ^ Carl von Linné: Critica Botanica Leiden 1737, p. 93
  3. Carl von Linné: Genera Plantarum . Leiden 1742, p. 299