Aurore Lalucq

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Aurore Lalucq in the presidential election campaign for Benoît Hamon (2016)

Aurore Lalucq (born April 17, 1979 in Longjumeau , Essonne Department ) is a French economist and politician ( Place publique ). She has been a member of the European Parliament since 2019 .


Aurore Lalucq studied development economics and international economics at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne . From 2006 to 2010 she was the program manager at the Institut de recherche et débat sur la governance (IRG). From 2011 until she moved into the European Parliament, she was co-director of the Veblen Institute , a think tank on economy and ecology. As an economist, she worked with James K. Galbraith and Yanis Varoufakis . With Gaël Giraud and others, she published a pamphlet in 2014 under the title Produire plus, polluer moins (“ Produce more, pollute less”).

In the run-up to the 2017 French presidential election , Lalucq campaigned for candidate Benoît Hamon from the Parti socialiste (PS) and acted as his coordinator for the ecological transition. After Hamon left the PS and founded the Génération.s party , Lalucq became its spokeswoman. In the run-up to the 2019 European elections , however, she joined the Place publique party led by Raphaël Glucksmann .

It entered the European Parliament through the list Envie d'Europe écologique et sociale (“Desire for an ecological and social Europe”), to which Place publique and PS had merged . There she belongs to the group of the Progressive Alliance of Social Democrats (S&D). She represents her group as a member of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and in the delegation for relations with the United States.

Works (selection)

  • Les banquiers contre les banques: le rôle de la criminalité en col blanc dans les crises financières. Editions Charles Léopold Mayer, 2015.
  • Faut-il thunder un prix à la nature? (with Jean Gadrey) Les Petits matins, 2015.
  • Lettre aux gilets jaunes: pour un New Deal vert. Les Petits matins, 2019.

Web links

Commons : Aurore Lalucq  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Aurore Lalucq: biography, actualités et émissions France Culture. Retrieved August 18, 2019 (French).
  2. Quentin Laurent: Aurore Lalucq, l'économiste écolo de Benoît Hamon. In: June 8, 2018, accessed August 19, 2019 (French).
  3. Biography d'Aurore Lalucq , France culture.
  4. ^ Sylvia Zappi: Elections européennes 2019: Aurore Lalucq, première défection sur la liste de Benoît Hamon. In: Le Monde , March 18, 2019.
  5. entry to Aurore Lalucq in the House database of the European Parliament