From the star diaries of Ijon Tichy

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From the star diaries of Ijon Tichy is a short film by Randa Chahoud , Dennis Jacobsen and Oliver Jahn from 1999. With the short film From the star diaries of Ijon Tichy II , a sequel was made in 2000. The three developed these films as fellow students at the German Film and Television Academy Berlin (dffb) on the basis of Stanisław Lem's star diaries . The short films are each around 17 minutes long.


The two short films at the during the "Video exercise" German Film and Television Academy originated in Berlin, where Chahoud, Jacobsen and Jahn Director and screenwriter took together. The protagonist, Ijon Tichy , is played by Oliver Jahn. According to Jahn, the short film was not originally intended for a larger audience. Like the first season of the later series, the short films were shot in Jahn's Berlin apartment at the time. The way they are made in the style of a trash film already refers to the later series: "The idea behind it is that this whole cosmos may only originate from Ijon Tichy's head, that everything only exists in his imagination" ( Oliver Jahn ).

In 2005 Chahoud, Jacobsen and Jahn founded the production company Kosmische Kollegen and developed the television series Ijon Tichy: Raumpilot for ZDF based on the concept of short films .


part One

Ijon Tichy tries to repair the steering of his spaceship, which has been damaged by a small meteor. However, he soon realizes that this is impossible for one person alone. Coincidentally, he gets caught in a time loop caused by a “vortex of cosmic gravity” and tries to use it to repair his rocket together with doppelgangers from other times. However, this turns out to be more complicated than expected.

The story is based on Ijon Tichy's “Seventh Journey” and is reminiscent of the third episode of the ZDF series ( “Relativistic Effects” ).

Part II

The second part is about a supposed stowaway on board Tichy's spaceship, who turns out to be a maintenance robot after Tichy sets a trap for him. However, the missile crashes onto an alien planet before the robot can take control and fly it to a workshop. On this planet, the maintenance robot and the key to the spaceship are unfortunately eaten by a wild Kulupp , which is why Tichy has to go hunting for Kulupp.

Motifs from this film were taken up again in the first episode of the ZDF series ( "Cosmic Colleagues" ).


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Interview with Oliver Jahn