Out of the Blue (1991)

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Original title Out of the blue
Country of production Switzerland
original language Swiss German , German
Publishing year 1991
length 97 minutes
Director Felix Tissi
script Felix Tissi
Dieter driver
production Felix Tissi
Dieter driver
music Felix Singer
camera Dieter driver
cut Maya Schmid

Out of the blue is a Swiss fiction film by Swiss director Felix Tissi from 1991.

Plot (summary)

The Swiss production describes episodically and loosely connected with one another the fates of five people living in Switzerland, in a figurative sense in exile or as dreamers , who out of the blue experience important insights into their own lives and those of those closely related to them:

  • Özgür, a bus driver who lives in Bern , loves the orderly order of his work. For his family, who remained in Turkey, he uses a video camera to document his “good life” in Switzerland, without mentioning how much he misses his wife and children and that he feels isolated without friends.
  • As a professional photographer, Chäschpu did not take a photo “at the crucial moment”, lost his job and forfeited his professionally trained eye because of repeated misconceptions and assumptions.
  • Lucy, a reading-loving nurse, has to use a lot of ingenuity night after night to prevent herself from sleepwalking onto the windowsill of her apartment on the tenth floor in order to fly away .
  • Seventeen-year-old Tina, who lives with her father in the country and keeps moving away from home, also wants to float away to where real life takes place.
  • And Graszena, “serving daughter” in a “pub” in a suburb of Bern, longs for love that, despite her pleasant nature and attractive appearance, she will not find in this environment and therefore “takes what she can get”.

The five main characters in the film meet repeatedly, mostly by pure chance, without knowing each other or knowing that this moment could have an impact on their future and that the flapping of a butterfly's wings may or may not trigger a hurricane.


"Another five everyday episodes of the Swiss Felix Tissi, which are imperceptibly so intertwined that a concise description of living conditions not only in Switzerland emerges - the Germans had to counter the pearl shine of such finds at best with rhinestones."

“The Bernese scene has not yet been formulated better than in 'Out of the blue'. Tissi has a remarkable ability to invent clown-like figures. A dozen are already there in three films, whose commitment is striking despite the seemingly non-committal tone. You can really no longer underestimate him. "

- WoZ

“Felix Tissi distrusts the dramaturgical curves that a story according to the textbook should take. Because life is structured differently in its sequence, in its twists and turns than the dramaturgical clichés that have grown over decades and with which so many films belly brush our viewing habits. How did Robert Bresson write : 'The intrigue is a novelist's trick.' Felix Tissi breaks through the tricks of the well-worn dramaturgies in order to make the mechanics of life visible. The two authors Felix Tissi and Dieter Driver, together with Felix Singer, who is responsible for the delicate, detailed soundtrack, succeeded in making a film that goes beyond the usual cinema experience. "

“Felix Tissi and Dieter Driver show us how beautiful brittleness can be in 'Out of the Blue'. The film has the melancholy and tragic comedy of a Mani Matter song through punchy dialogues and the fine drawing of its characters . In addition, there is a dramaturgy of chance that Tissi has copied from life itself. "


The film was produced for Swiss television in Bern; It premiered out of the blue on June 15, 1992.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Rolf Niederhauser: The everyday physics of stories . Felix Tissi. Retrieved March 13, 2014.
  2. ^ A b c d Felix Tissi: Out of the blue: reviews . Felix Tissi. Retrieved March 13, 2014.