Axel Ewert

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Axel Ewert (born August 9, 1961 ) is a former German soccer player. Between 1981 and 1983 he played for FC Hansa Rostock in the GDR league .

Athletic career

In the GDR-wide men's soccer division, Ewert appeared for the first time in the 1980/81 season in the youth team of FC Hansa Rostock. He was used in 25 of 26 games in the junior league as a midfielder and striker and scored two goals. He remained until the end of the season 1982/83 Rostock regular player in the junior league, which was then dissolved. With the FC Hansa youth team, Ewert played 63 of 78 championship games in his three seasons, scoring 13 goals. With eight goals he was the team's top scorer in 1981/82.

After the junior league was dissolved, Hansa Rostock gave Ewert together with his teammate Torsten Pügge to the second-rate GDR league club BSG Schiffahrt / Hafen Rostock in the summer of 1983 . Ewert took over the position in the right midfield and came in 1983/84 to 21 of 22 possible point game inserts and two goals. For the 1984/85 season, the GDR league was restructured and there were 34 point games to complete. Ewert played 31 games and was successful with four goals. At the end of the season, the BSG had to relegate, so that Ewert played in the third-class Rostock district league in 1985/86 . In May 1986 he had to do his military service for 18 months in order to play again in the district league for shipping / port, as the BSG had been relegated again after its rise in 1986.

In the summer of 1988 Schiffahrt / Hafen returned to the GDR league for the second time, and Ewert played a key role in staying up in the league in the 1988/89 season with 33 stakes and five goals. Until 1991, Ewert played second class with the Rostockers, who had restructured in the course of 1990 in the course of the political change in SV Hafen Rostock 61. After the former GDR league was only in third class after being taken over into the DFB league system as Oberliga Nordost , Ewert's track in higher-class football was lost.


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