Axel Kahn (geneticist)

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Axel Kahn (2015)

Axel Kahn (born September 5, 1944 in Le Petit-Pressigny ; † July 6, 2021 ) was a French doctor and geneticist , brother of the journalist Jean-François Kahn and the chemist Olivier Kahn . He got involved extensively in the ethics debate .

The former internal of the Hôpitaux de Paris joined the research institute Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (INSERM) as a biochemistry researcher . From 1988 to 1997 he was President of the Commission du génie biomoléculaire , from 1992 to 2004 a member of the Comité consultatif national d'éthique (CCNE) and from 1997 to 1999 Deputy Scientific Director of the sciences de la vie department of the Rhône-Poulenc Group . European Commissioner for Research of the European Commission Philippe Busquin appointed him chairman of the expert group Sciences de la Vie (2000–2002), who works in the field of life sciences and technologies. Later he was head of the research department for genetics and molecular physiology and pathology at the Institut Cochin in Paris and the only candidate for the presidency of the University of Paris V Descartes .

Axel Kahn was the founder and editor-in-chief of the Revue Médecine / Sciences (1986–1998) and author of numerous papers on philosophy and ethics.

honors and awards

Fonts (selection)

  • Axel Kahn: Société et révolution biologique: pour une éthique de la responsabilité , INRA éditions, Paris 1996
  • Axel Kahn: La Médecine du XXIe siècle: des gènes et des hommes , Éditions Bayard-Presse, Paris 1996
  • Axel Kahn, Fabrice Papillon: Copies conformes, le clonage en question , Editions NiL, Paris, février 1998.
  • Axel Kahn: Et l'Homme dans tout ça? - Plaidoyer pour un humanism modern . Editions NiL, Paris, mars 2000.
  • Albert Jacquard, Axel Kahn: L'avenir n'est pas écrit , Editions Bayard, Paris 2001 (September)
  • Axel Kahn: Raisonnable et humain , Editions Nil, Paris 2004 (February)
  • Axel Kahn, Dominique Lecourt: Bioéthique et liberté , Collection Quadrige / Essais PUF, Paris 2004 (February)
  • André Comte-Sponville, Marie de Hennezel, Axel Kahn: Doit-on légaliser l'euthanasie? , Editions de l'atelier, Paris 2004
  • Axel Kahn, Fabrice Papillon: Le Secret de la salamandre - La médecine en quête d'immortalité , Éditions Nil, Paris 2005 (March)
  • Biotechnologies, Progrès - Histoire, développement, débats actuels . Les leçons inaugurales du Groupe ESA - December 2005.
  • Axel Kahn, Jean-François Kahn: Comme deux frères Éditions Stock, Paris 2006 (January)
  • Axel Kahn: L'Homme, ce roseau pensant; essai sur les racines de la nature humaine , Éditions Nil, Paris 2007 (January)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Cécile Vassas: Axel Khan: “La mort n'existe pas”, ses confessions avant de partir. In: L'Internaute. July 6, 2021, accessed July 6, 2021 (French).
  2. In France, “internal” refers to a medical practitioner who works in a hospital and is in training at the same time.