Axel Theodor Kittendorff

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Axel Theodor Kittendorff

Axel Theodor Kittendorff (born October 19, 1821 in Copenhagen ; † March 8, 1868 there ) was a Danish wood cutter and owner of a publishing bookstore.


The son of master weaver Johan Adolph Friedrich Kittendorff (1793–1849) and Anna Amalia Elisabeth, née Kuhn (1797–1864), grew up with his siblings Amalia Eleonore (1817–1890) and Johan Adolph in Copenhagen. Here he completed an apprenticeship with the xylograph Andreas Flinch (1813–1872), studied at the same time at the Copenhagen Art Academy from 1834 to 1846, most recently at their model school, and already exhibited his own work. In 1848 and 1849 he worked as a wood cutter in Berlin and Leipzig . In Copenhagen he then founded a book and art shop together with Johan Agaard, the xylographic institute Kittendorff & Aagaard , where other well-known woodcutters learned or worked, including Hans Christian Henneberg (1826-1893), Johan Frederik Rosenstand (1820-1887 ) and Hans Peter Hansen (1829–1899). The publishing house also published illustrated works - including single sheets and illustrations by Johan Adolph Kittendorff. After the publishing business stagnated more and more, Kittendorf reduced his artistic activity and devoted himself almost exclusively to the sale of painting and drawing supplies.

On April 19, 1853, Axel Kittendorff married the Copenhagen merchant's daughter Emilie Christiane Catharina Kretschmer (1827–1902) and moved into a villa in Frederiksberg built in 1852 by the architect Johan Daniel Herholdt (1818–1902). The three children of this marriage were born in Copenhagen: Einar Johan (1856), Axel Emil (1857) and Anna Susanna (1860). The Circle of Friends included numerous artists, including PC (Peter Christian Thamsen) Skovgaard (1817–1875), Vilhelm Marstrand , Vilhelm Kyhn , Constantin Hansen and Christen Dalsgaard (1824–1907). He died at the age of 47 and was - like his brother Johan Adolph later - buried in the old cemetery of Fredriksberg.


  • Johan Adolph Kittendorff, drawing
  • Fredrik Vermehren (1823–1910), painting

Work (selection)

Publishing editions:

  • Vilhelm Holst: Felttogene 1848, 49, 50 (campaigns 1848, 49 50); Illustrations by Johan Adolph Kittendorff. 1852
  • Adam Fabricius: Illustreret Danmarkshistorie (Illustrated history of Denmark); Illustrations by L. Frølich and Constantin Hansen. 1854/55
  • Edvard Erslev: Den Danske Stat (The Danish State). Illustrations by PC Skovgaard and Vilhelm Kyhn. 1855/57
  • Niels Bache: Danmarks Norges og Sveriges Historie ; with 253 woodcut illustrations. 5 volumes, 1867/76

Single sheets:

  • En bondedreng, the fisker (fisherman); Hagbard og Signe , 1852. Børn der stjæler æbler (The Apple Thief) and another 23 sheets: Copenhagen, Art Museum
  • Bronze bust of Christian IV, after Johan Adolph Kittendorff
  • Portrait of HC Ørsted, lithography: Fuglsang, Kunstmuseum


Between 1840 and 1860 A. Kittendorf was represented in 12 exhibitions in Charlottenborg with 14 of his own works.


Web links

Commons : Axel Kittendorff  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence
