Bohemian sat

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The Böhmische Saß (spelling also Böhmische Sass ) is a forest in the north of Lower Austria that protrudes towards the Czech Republic .


The Böhmische Saß is located in the northernmost part of the municipality Dobersberg , in the Waldviertel Thaya highlands . The southern part is also called Wengerswald . The northern Bohemian part of the forest stretches to Staré Město pod Landštejnem (old town near Landstein).

In the Bohemian Sass is the mountain Hoher Stein  ( 679  m above sea level ) and not far to the north the border stone Dreiländerstein (Trojmezí) , which marks the triangle between Austria, Bohemia and Moravia (Czech Republic). Because the historical Czech regions no longer exist as administrative units, only the Jihočeský kraj (South Bohemian Region) borders.

Individual evidence

  1. So Austrian map 1: 50000
  2. Today's border point South Bohemia - South Moravia - Lower Austria lies between Schaditz (municipality Raabs an der Thaya), Hluboká (municipality Dešná u Dačic ) and Vratěnín (this municipality), in the forest area Šanovice on Šibeník  ( 517  m nm ), which is about 25 km southeast not far from the Thaya.

Coordinates: 48 ° 59 ′ 8 ″  N , 15 ° 17 ′ 3 ″  E