Börries from Oeynhausen

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Börries von Oeynhausen (born February 14, 1836 in Braunschweig , † February 16, 1896 in Kassel ) was a Prussian officer, landowner and district administrator .

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Von Oeynhausen was born as the son of the married couple Karl Börries Dietrich Freiherr von Oeynhausen and Ida von Münchhausen. On March 1, 1853, he entered the first Thuringian Infantry Regiment one was on December 9, 1854 Secondeleutnant , in December 1860 first lieutenant and on 30 October 1866 captain and company chief. Two years later he was a district officer in the 7th Gendarmerie Brigade in Arnsberg. As a major , he was discharged from military service on June 29, 1870.

On March 14, 1875 he was entrusted with the provisional administration of the Büren District Office. On December 6, 1875, he was finally appointed district administrator of the Büren district, with the passing of the examination. At his request, he was dismissed from civil service on February 20, 1895 for health reasons.

He was married to Marie Freiin von Oeynhausen. The marriage resulted in two sons, including Adolf (government official and SS leader).


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