Thelem Abbey Library

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The Thelem Abbey library is a series of literary works published by Georg Müller between 1910 and 1923 . Otto Julius Bierbaum was the founder and publisher . It was mainly books from the 18th century, mostly in very meritorious editions, that were made so tangible. The standard equipment is half-leather in-8, but there are also cheaper editions and reprints that were additionally or exclusively in red, blue or green linen.


The series is named after the abbey Rabelais described in his Gargantua . In this monastery all merrymaking and freedom of movement are compulsory; Above the entrance is written (in German translation) "Do what you want!"


  • First volume of the Thelem Abbey library
Laurence Stars
Tristram Schandi's life and opinions
In the translation by Johann Joachim Bode
First volume
(Reissued in green linen in 1920 as part of Laurence Sterne: Collected Writings)

  • Second volume of the library of Thelem Abbey
Laurence Stars
Tristram Schandi's life and opinions
In the translation by Johann Joachim Bode
Second volume
(Reissued in green linen in 1920 as part of Laurence Sterne: Collected Writings)

  • Third volume of the Thelem Abbey library
Laurence Stars
Tristram Schandi's life and opinions
In the translation by Johann Joachim Bode
Third volume
(Reissued in green linen in 1920 as part of Laurence Sterne: Collected Writings)

  • Fourth volume (a) of the Thelem Abbey library
First volume
Laurence Stars
Yorick's Sensitive Journey
From the English by JJBode.
With the coppers Mechau u. Crusius
(Reissued in green linen in 1921 as part of Laurence Sterne: Gesammelte Schriften)

  • Fourth volume (b) of the Thelem Abbey library (volume number double occupied)
Hans W. Fischer
The chain. Poems.
Half-parchment ribbon with red cover paper with gold-embossed title on the spine and gilt edging. The only volume in the series in semi-parchment and in a larger format. With introduction by the publisher Bierbaum

  • Fifth volume of the library of Thelem Abbey
Johann Gottwerth Müller from Itzehoe
Siegfried von Lindenberg. A strange story.
Edited and provided with a foreword v. R. Elchinger.
16 plate based on Illustr. v. D. Chodowiecki

  • Sixth volume of the Thelem Abbey library
Denis Diderot
Jacob and his Lord.
On the basis of Mylius ' translation for the first time completely ed. by Hans Floerke
First volume
(1921 reprint of the 2 books in one volume)

  • Seventh volume of the library of Thelem Abbey
Denis Diderot
Jacob and his Lord.
On the basis of Mylius' translation for the first time completely ed. by Hans Floerke
Second volume
(1921 reprint of the 2 books in one volume)

  • Eighth volume of the library of Thelem Abbey
Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield
Letters to his son
On the basis of the first German edition, here improved, in selection ed. u. a. by Hans Feigl
First volume

  • Volume ninth of the library of Thelem Abbey
Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield
Letters to his son
On the basis of the first German edition, here improved, in selection ed. u. a. by Hans Feigl
Second volume

  • Volume 10 of the Thelem Abbey Library
Voltaire [and possibly Henri-Joseph du Laurens for the second part]
With 5 heliogravures after copper by D. Chodowiecki.
Reprint of the edition: Berlin, Himburg, 1782.
Two parts in one band

  • Eleventh volume of the library of the Thelem Abbey
Marie Madeleine Countess of La Fayette
The Princess of Cleve

  • Volume 12 of the Thelem Abbey Library
Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam
The praise of folly
Newly edited from the Latin based on the 1781 edition. by L. Schmidt
With illustrations after Holbein

  • Volume thirteenth in the library of Thelem Abbey
Tobias George Smollet [Smollett]
Roderich Random. A side piece to Gil Blas .
After the W. Ch. S. Mylius translation edited by Marianne Trebitsch-Stein.
First volume

  • Volume fourteenth of the library of Thelem Abbey
Tobias George Smollet [Smollett]
Roderich Random. A side piece to Gil Blas.
After the W. Ch. S. Mylius translation edited by Marianne Trebitsch-Stein.
Second volume

  • Volume fifteen in the library of Thelem Abbey
Tobias George Smollet [Smollett]
Peregrine Pickle.
After the W. Ch. S. Mylius translation edited by Rudolf Kurtz
Book 1 and 2 in Volume 1

  • Volume sixteenth of the library of Thelem Abbey
Tobias George Smollet [Smollett]
Peregrine Pickle.
After the W. Ch. S. Mylius translation edited by Rudolf Kurtz
Book 3 and 4 in volume 2

  • Volume seventeenth of the library of Thelem Abbey
Dulaurens [d. i. Henri-Joseph du Laurens ]
The godfather Matthies. Or the debauchery of the human mind.
Revised and edited by Hanns Floerke.
1918 (also in red linen)
First volume

  • Volume 18 of the Thelem Abbey Library
Dulaurens [d. i. Henri-Joseph du Laurens]
The godfather Matthies. Or the debauchery of the human mind.
Revised and edited by Hanns Floerke.
1918 (also in red linen)
Second volume

  • Volume nineteenth of the library of Thelem Abbey
Henry Fielding
Thomas Jones story of a foundling . Novel.
In the old translation by JJ Bode .
First volume

  • Volume twentieth in the library of Thelem Abbey
Henry Fielding
Thomas Jones story of a foundling. Novel.
In the old translation by JJ Bode.
Second volume

  • Volume twenty-first in the library of Thelem Abbey
Henry Fielding
Thomas Jones story of a foundling. Novel.
In the old translation by JJ Bode.
Third volume

  • Volume twenty-second in the library of Thelem Abbey
Moritz August von Thümmel
Travel to the midday provinces of France.
With coppers and vignettes by Pentzel, Schnorr von Carolsfeld and Ramberg
First volume

  • Volume twenty-third in the library of Thelem Abbey
August Moritz von Thümmel
Travel to the midday provinces of France.
With coppers and vignettes by Pentzel, Schnorr von Carolsfeld and Ramberg
Second volume

  • Volume twenty-fourth in the library of Thelem Abbey
August Moritz von Thümmel
Travel to the midday provinces of France.
With coppers and vignettes by Pentzel, Schnorr von Carolsfeld and Ramberg
Third volume

  • Volume twenty-fifth in the library of Thelem Abbey
Moritz August von Thümmel
Wilhelmine, a prosaically comical poem
Edited by Conrad Höfer
7 copper, 13 vignettes after Friedrich Oeser v. Stick and Geyser

  • Volume twenty-sixth in the library of Thelem Abbey
Johann Gottfried Schnabel
The cavalier stumbling around in the maze of love
1920 (also in red linen)
First volume

  • Volume twenty-seventh in the library of Thelem Abbey
Johann Gottfried Schnabel
The cavalier stumbling around in the maze of love
1920 (also in red linen)
Second volume

  • Volume twenty-eighth in the library of Thelem Abbey
Christoph Martin Wieland
The story of Prince Biribinker
Edition of 800 pieces, signed by Kuntzler
7 illustrations by Kuntzler, 241 pages

  • Volume twenty-ninth in the library of Thelem Abbey
Laurence Stars
Yorick's sermons
Transferred from Joseph Grabisch
With 6 fig.
First volume

  • Volume thirtieth in the library of Thelem Abbey
Laurence Stars
Yorick's sermons
Transferred from Joseph Grabisch
With 6 fig.
Second volume

  • Volume thirty-first in the library of Thelem Abbey
H (enry) L (ouis) Mencken
Defense of the woman.
Transferred from Franz Blei .

  • Volume thirty-fourth in the library of Thelem Abbey
Johann Gottlieb Schummel
Goatee, a comic-tragic story.
With a foreword and Notes from CG von Maassen .