BBB Korea

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bbb korea
legal form nonprofit organization
founding May 2003
Seat Seoul South KoreaKorea SouthSouth Korea 

bbb korea ( before babel brigade ) is a non-profit organization in South Korea that provides free interpreting services from volunteer interpreters . The organization was founded in 2003 with the aim of creating a society without language or cultural barriers. bbb korea is headquartered in Seoul , South Korea.


bbb korea started in 2002 as a campaign for the FIFA World Cup and the 2002 Asian Games . The bbb campaign aims to make it easier for visitors to communicate in Korea through free interpreting services. The service has been facilitated through the use of calls. When you call and choose the language, bbb korea has automatically connected the speaker to an available interpreter for volunteers. The name bbb before babel brigade alludes to the time before the Tower of Babel , in which there is supposed to have been a world without communication problems.

In 2003, bbb korea was registered as a non-profit organization. It is approved as a non-profit organization by the Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. It supports international events in Korea, such as the Daegu Summer Universiade 2003 and the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang . It is currently an organization with over 4,500 volunteers in 20 languages.


Language translation service

People with language difficulties can choose bbb korea to use the interpreting service for free. The bbb interpretation service can be used by dialing and selecting the language through an automatic response system (ARS). Then the speaker is automatically connected to an available interpreter. Another option is to download the bbb application on the smartphone. In the app, users can select the language they want and are connected to an interpreter accordingly. Anyone wishing to register as a volunteer interpreter for bbb korea can apply via the bbb korea website. After successfully passing the language test and completing the interpreting training, the applicant can become a bbb interpreter. Applicants are expected to have a good understanding of the language and reactions that are adapted to the situation.


Global projects

bbb korea also pursues global projects. In 2014 it implemented the bbb service in Brazil for the soccer world cup . The project was called Rio Amigo and was a project that offered free interpreting services to both local and foreign visitors. The project enabled communication between different nationalities.

In addition, bbb is pursuing the bbb Indonesia project to provide the oral translation service in Indonesia.

Cultural programs

  • Korean cultural centers

Centers in which the Korean language and culture is taught abroad are managed by bbb. The centers offer Korean language and culture classes such as K-POP dance classes. They are in Myanmar and Vietnam.

  • Cultural exchange events

bbb korea organizes the “bbb International Friends Day” every year. At this event, the families of the bbb volunteers and friends from abroad come together to take part in cultural activities. In 2018 the 10th bbb International Friends Day took place in Seoul Forest with over 2000 participants.

  • Communication campaigns

With its interpreting service, bbb korea organizes campaigns to promote Korea without language barriers . The campaigns were carried out in a variety of locations such as Incheon Airport, Seoul Railway Station, and more.

  • bbb Probono (student volunteer group)

bbb Probono is a student volunteer group from bbb korea. The term pro bono stands for “the common good”. The student group introduces different cultures around the world in order to minimize cultural barriers. She organizes various cultural programs such as creating online content and organizing campaigns.

  • bbb magazine Heart & Communication

Every season bbb korea publishes a magazine called “Heart & Communication”. The magazine offers articles and interviews on language and culture.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Tong In A: Beyond Barriers of Language — BBB Korea . The Granite Tower. Retrieved November 11, 2015.
  2. ^ Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Republic of Korea: Government Registered Information .
  3. Global travel guide app for 'Pyeongchang ryu' Best 4: Biz N . In: Tech2 , Dong-A Ilbo. Retrieved December 21, 2017. 
  4. Choi Miri: The bbb Korea's Volunteer Interpretation App . Miri Choi. Retrieved August 16, 2015.
  5. BBB KOREA app offers interpretation service . In: KOREA HERALD . Retrieved March 16, 2012. 
  6. bbb Korea 为 您 解除 外国语 沟通 障碍 , 帮 您 在 韩国 顺畅 交流 . In: CNAIR . Retrieved January 28, 2019. 
  7. 緊急 時 の 連絡 先 . Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. Retrieved January 2, 2019.
  8. 財 布 や カ バ ン を 盗 ま れ た (な く し た) と き に 使 え る フ レ ー ズ 集 . 韓国 語 フ レ ー ズ. Retrieved November 14, 2017.
  9. Bahng Gyo-Young: Telephone Interpretation Service Provided by Social Organization: Focused on the case of Russian telephone interpretation provided by 'BBB Korea' . Journal of the Interpretation & Translation Institute. Retrieved August 1, 2018.
  10. BBB Korea includes Swahili on interpretation service ahead of AfDB meeting , Devdiscourse. Retrieved May 24, 2018. 
  11. Korean translation program hits Brazil World Cup . In: MailOnline , Daily Mail. Retrieved June 11, 2014. 
  12. ^ S. Korea Translation Service BBB to Set Up Shop in Indonesia, Seek Volunteers . In: JAKARTA GLOBE . Retrieved April 16, 2018. 
  13. ^ Assistants ready to help foreign visitors . In: The Jakarta Post . Retrieved August 9, 2018. 
  14. University Hue: Hue University and BBB Korea signs a MOU . HUE UNIVERSITY. Retrieved May 10, 2012.
  15. BBB Korea Promotes Campaign 'Creating Incheon Airport Without Language Barriers' , BUSINESSKOREA. Retrieved August 8, 2015.