BMN painter

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Ribbon bowl by the BMN painter: frieze with several people between two palmettes , third quarter of the 6th century BC Chr .; Metropolitan Museum of Art (14.147.3)

The BMN Painter was a provisional names designated Attic vase painter of the black-figure style in the third quarter of the 6th century BC. Chr.

The BMN painter initially worked for the potter Lydos . A ribbon bowl and an abdominal amphora are known from the collaboration between the two . John Boardman sees in him not only the earliest employee to be appointed to the potter Nikosthenes , but also considers him to be the best artist who worked for this important Athenian potter. Their earliest joint works were a siana bowl and several small master bowls , including a rim bowl signed by Nikosthenes . The BMN painter was the most important representative of the Bellerophon class . He was probably the painter who painted most of this group of amphorae , including the eponymous amphora on which Bellerophon is depicted during the attack on the Chimera . The abbreviation BMN, which gives the emergency name, means British Museum and Nikosthenes and refers to the name vase with inventory number B 295 of the British Museum .
