Babette Ihle

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Babette Ihle around 1900

Babette Ihle , (born September 18, 1871 in Bruchsal ; † April 5, 1943 there ; actually Barbara Ihle ) was a dialect poet from Baden . It was popularly known as the "Ihles Bawett".


The parents were typical small farmers, who together with the older children a Nebernerwerbslandwirtschaft operated. The father's main occupation was a job with the railway.

Babette had five brothers, which is why she was expected to help with the household and selling the surplus produce at the weekly market . That may have been one of the reasons why she remained unmarried and took over the house with the small farm on Württemberger Strasse after her parents' death.

In Bruchsal and the surrounding communities, Babette became known for her self-composed rhymes and poems in Bruchsal dialect . She performed these on festive occasions such as birthdays and weddings. In her sometimes bumpy and coarse rhymes she mostly dealt with her own environment, that of the simple peasant and petty bourgeois people. In connection with her cordial manner and her wit , she achieved great popularity among her fellow citizens.

In 1929 she had two of her longer works ( Frieher un unity, Wie's de Rosl em Diene gange isch ) printed in booklet form and sold them on her stand at the weekly market. These were reissued in 2004 as a facsimile print.

In a homage to Babette Ihle, the local theater is showing the play “So ischs worre” in a current performance .


  • As de Rosl em Diene gange isch, 1929 (reprinted 2004)
  • Frieher unity, 1929 (reprint 2004)

Frieher unity (excerpt)

How it used to be so nice,
So it’s hot now.
That is the reverse world;
Wu ma ain't gnawing money.
The leaders are very satisfied, the
principles are very different.
Närijez isch meh Oinichkaid,
Iweral is Schtreidichkaid.

As de Rosl em Diene is in progress (excerpt)

Freedom, which I mean,
which fills my heart
like the Dahm, the Feine
drilled me so badly.
Now I've
probably served in the residence,
I'll never do that again,
noi, liewer hüt i gens.


  • Robert Megerle: Heimatlexikon Bruchsal . Publications of the historical commission of the city of Bruchsal. 13. Verlag Regionalkultur, Bruchsal 1996, ISBN 3-929366-40-1

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  1. Archived copy ( memento of the original from March 9, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Archived copy ( memento of the original from January 25, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /