Bagarius yarrelli

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Bagarius yarrelli
Bagarius yarrelli India.png

Bagarius yarrelli

Cohort : Otomorpha
Sub-cohort : Ostariophysi
Order : Catfish (Siluriformes)
Family : Mountain catfish (Sisoridae)
Genre : Devil catfish ( Bagarius )
Type : Bagarius yarrelli
Scientific name
Bagarius yarrelli
( Sykes , 1839)

Bagarius yarrelli (locally and in English as "Goonch") is a species of fish from the genus of the devil catfish ( Bagarius ) and the family of the mountain catfish (Sisoridae). It occurs from the river systems of the Indus and Ganges over large parts of southern India to the Mekong and Xe Bangfai and to Indonesia . The species is used economically and sold fresh, but the meat spoils very quickly and can then lead to poisoning. The species is unpopular with sport fishermen because it is strong enough to tear most fishing lines.


With a length of up to two meters, the species is the largest species of the genus and family. The head is broad and flattened, with a large, wide mouth and four pairs of barbels , the pair of which have a well-developed membrane on the upper jaw. The head and the predorsal plate have no noticeable crests. The body partially has a pattern of numerous dark points. The pelvic fins usually start behind the last ray of the dorsal fin , the adipose fin begins in front of or above the beginning of the anal fin . The spinous processes two to five are elongated.

Way of life

Bagarius yarrelli only inhabits large rivers and is insensitive to strong currents. The animals mostly rest on the bottom, sometimes in the spray of rapids. Crustaceans , but also fish and insects, serve as prey . The animals migrate in schools and probably follow their preferred prey, sometimes following the migrations of the giant barbel ( Catlocarpio siamensis ). The main migration begins at the beginning of the rainy and flood season with increasing water currents, after the spawn has been deposited before the start of the rainy season .

supporting documents

  • Bagarius yarrelli on (English)
  • WJ Rainboth: Fishes of the Cambodian Mekong. FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes . Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome 1996, p. 160 (English).

Web links

Commons : Bagarius yarrelli  - collection of images, videos and audio files