Källby – Kinne-Kleva railway line

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Route length: 9 km
Gauge : 891 mm ( Swedish 3-foot track )
Operating points and routes
9 Kinne-Kleva
7th Kinnekulleverken
4th Husaby
Gårdsjö – Håkantorp railway from Forshem
Stop, stop
0 Källby (formerly Bhf.)
Route - straight ahead
Railway line Gårdsjö – Håkantorp to Lidköping

The Källby – Kinne-Kleva railway was a narrow-gauge railway line on Kinnekulle in the former Skaraborg County in Sweden . It had a track width of 891 mm.

Södra Kinnekulle Järnvägsaktiebolag

The route was built by Södra Kinnekulle Järnvägsaktiebolag (SKJ) based in Lidköping .

The concession for the line was granted on October 11, 1918, but it lasted until January 17, 1924 before it was opened to traffic. The line connected about 500 m north of Källby to the Gårdsjö – Håkantorp railway of the former Kinnekulle – Lidköpings järnvägsaktiebolag (KiLJ). From there it was nine kilometers to Kinnevik-Kleva. The construction costs for the company, which has a share capital of 308,000 crowns , were 480,191 crowns. No vehicles of their own were procured for the route; Lidköpings järnvägar (LJ) operated them.

After a brief period in 1928, when the line was state-owned, the City of Linköping acquired the company. As part of the general nationalization of the railways in Sweden , the line was again taken over by the state in 1948 and integrated into the organization of the SJ .

Passenger traffic practically ended in 1937, but officially not until 1938. Freight traffic was discontinued in 1953, it was shut down in 1955. The line was demolished until 1960.

The embankment has disappeared almost everywhere, only a leftover piece is left at the quarry near the Kinnekulle works.

Individual evidence

  1. Bandels register. 431, Källby – Kinne Kleva. Trafikverket , accessed February 5, 2016 (Swedish).
  2. ^ Association of Central European Railway Administrations (ed.): Station directory of the European railways . (formerly Dr. KOCH's station directory). 52nd edition. Barthol & Co., Berlin-Wilmersdorf 1939.
  3. a b Södra Kinnekulle järnväg . In: Theodor Westrin, Ruben Gustafsson Berg, Eugen Fahlstedt (eds.): Nordisk familjebok konversationslexikon och realencyklopedi . 2nd Edition. tape 38 : Supplement: Riksdagens bibliotek – Öyen; tillägg . Nordisk familjeboks förlag, Stockholm 1926, Sp. 761 (Swedish, runeberg.org ).
  4. ^ Locomotive statistics Pospichal
  5. Svensk Uppslagsbok. Archived from the original on May 25, 2012 ; accessed on February 5, 2016 .

Web links