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Baichangmen ( Chinese  白廠門鎮  /  白厂门镇 , Pinyin Báichǎngmén Zhen ) is a large village in the far west of the circle Heishan the prefecture-level city Jinzhou in the Chinese province of Liaoning . Baichangmen has an area of ​​94.26 km² and at the end of 2017 had exactly 14,683 inhabitants, 97% of which were rural. More than 60% of the population are Manchu , but the colloquial language in Baichangmen is the northeast dialect of Chinese (东北 方言). The future spaceman Zhang Xiaoguang was born in 1966natural village of Qinchaigou (钦差 沟) of the administrative village of Chengxi born.


Baichangmen goes back to the fortress Zhenjing (镇静 堡, meaning “protecting the peace”), one of the garrisons that were founded in the entire county from 1387, at the beginning of the Ming dynasty , to repel Mongols and Manchu. The stationing of troops was of limited use - in 1642 Jinzhou was captured by the Manchus, who overthrew the Ming Dynasty and established their Qing Dynasty in 1644 . In 1648, four years after taking power, Emperor Aisin Gioro Fulin had the so-called “willow palisade” (柳条 边, Manchu: Biregen Jase ) built on the border with the Mongolian tribal area , a fortification system consisting of two parallel earthworks a good meter high which were separated by a trench three meters wide and three meters deep. On the “top of the wall” of the earth walls, willow saplings were planted in three parallel rows, each 34.5 cm apart; After the willows had grown into trees, their branches were tied together with those of the respective neighboring tree. The Zhenjing Fortress was close to the willow palisade, and there was also a gate in the fortification, which was guarded by a few dozen soldiers who were under the border guard group Qinghe (清河 边门 防御, a tributary of the Liao He ).

At that time there was a chalk quarry in the mountains southwest of the fortress . Therefore, the gate was named "Small Gate at the Chalk Quarry" (白 土 厂 小 门, Pinyin Báitǔchǎng Xiǎo Mén ). In 1676 the gate was renamed "Grenztor am Kreidesteinbruch" (白 土 厂 边门, Pinyin Báitǔchǎng Biānmén ). At that time there were outbuildings to the left and right of the gate, one with a detention cell, the other was the guard room. Behind the gate, on the Manchurian side, there was the Yamen of the commander, who by a civilian officers and a sergeant (领催, Manchu: Bošokū ) was supported, the 29 banners soldiers had among themselves. In contrast to the Chinese, who required a special permit for this from 1688, Mongols were allowed to enter Manchuria without any further formalities; they only had to undergo a personal check at the border gate. This opportunity was heavily used by Mongolian traders, who soon settled in the village that formed behind the gate, as well as in what is now Xinlitun, a large community in Heishan County. Today the Mongols are the third largest ethnic group in the district after the Han Chinese and Manchu.

When the Kuomintang troops marched into the area in 1945, after the victory over Japan, they simply called the village behind the gate “Baichangmen” - the chalk quarry had long since ceased to exist. In 1956 the municipality Baichangmen (白 厂 门 乡) was founded, with the village of the same name as the administrative center. In 1958 the villages in the municipality were combined in the " People's Commune Emerald Mountains" (绿 宝山 公社), named after the forested Haitang Mountains (海棠 山) in the west of Baichangmen, since August 1, 2007 a national nature reserve . In 1961 the commune was renamed "Baichangmen People's Commune", then dissolved in 1983 and converted back into a commune. In 1986 Baichangmen was promoted to a large parish.

Administrative structure

The large municipality of Baichangmen consists of 13 administrative villages (as of 2019). These are:

Baichangmen Village (白 厂 门 村), seat of government of the large community
Chengxi Village (城西 村)
Ertai village (二 台 村)
Guohuangdi Village (郭 荒地 村)
Hantun village (韩屯村)
Nanbajiazi Village (南 八家 子 村)
Santaidong Village (三台 东村)
Santaixi village (三台 西村)
Shijiagou Village (石 家 沟村)
Tantun village (檀 屯村)
Toutai village (头 台 村)
Xikangtun Village (西 康屯村)
Yantun village (阎屯村)

Individual evidence

  1. 国家 统计局 农村 社会经济 调查 司: 中国 县域 统计 年鉴 —2018, 乡镇 卷.中国 统计 出版社, 北京 2019, p. 117.
  2. a b c 白 厂 门 镇. In: December 15, 2018, accessed July 17, 2020 (Chinese).
  3. a b 光化 军: 辽宁 省 锦州 黑山县 白 厂 门 镇. In: Retrieved July 17, 2020 (Chinese).
  4. 张兆曦: 张晓光 的 追梦 历程. In: June 21, 2013, accessed July 19, 2020 (Chinese).
  5. A Qing-era foot or 尺 was of different length depending on the purpose: 35.5 cm for cut-to-size clothes, 34.5 cm for land surveying, 32 cm in construction.
  6. Willow Palisade. In: May 23, 2014, accessed on July 17, 2020 .
  7. 人口 民族. In: June 12, 2020, accessed July 18, 2020 (Chinese).
  8. 群 览 辽宁 名山 之 五 —— 海棠 山. In: April 28, 2018, accessed July 18, 2020 (Chinese).
  9. 辽宁 国家级 自然保护区 有 哪些 一起 来看 看吧. In: January 12, 2020, accessed July 18, 2020 (Chinese).
  10. 2019 年 统计 用 区划 代码 和 城乡 划分 代码 : 白 厂 门 镇. In: Retrieved July 19, 2020 (Chinese).

Coordinates: 41 ° 50 '  N , 121 ° 52'  E