Baixada Santista

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Baixada Santista metropolitan area
SaoPaulo RM BaixadaSantista.svg

The metropolitan area of ​​Baixada Santista in the Brazilian state of São Paulo

Founded: 1996
Surface: 2,423 km²
Residents: 1,606,863 (2007)
Inhabitants / km²: 663.2
Administrative headquarters: Santos

São Paulo (center) and Baixada Santista on the coast

The metropolitan region of Baixada Santista ( Região Metropolitana da Baixada Santista , in German Plain of Santos ) on the coast of the Brazilian state of São Paulo was created in 1996 to coordinate the development of the area. Over 1.6 million (2007) people live there on an area of ​​2,423 km².

In addition to the city of Santos, Peruíbe , Itanhaém , Mongaguá , Praia Grande , São Vicente , Cubatão , Guarujá and Bertioga also belong to the area - from west to east .

The economy is determined by the port of Santos, with a total of 13 km of quays, the largest and most important in Brazil, and tourism. Numerous beaches attract visitors from the metropolis of São Paulo, less than 100 km away, with its well over 10 million inhabitants. The industrial area of ​​Cubatão with its metalworking plants is also important.

Municipalities of the metropolitan area of ​​Baixada Santista

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