Bandello Bandelli

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Bandello Bandelli (* around 1350 in Lucca ; † December 25, 1415 in Constance ) was a cardinal of the Roman Church .


Bandelli obtained a doctorate in 1388 as Doctor iuris utriusque . Afterwards he was the Pope's collector in Tuscany and in the Duchy of Spoleto. On July 15, 1387 he became bishop of Città di Castello , on September 16 of the same year he took possession of the diocese. From June 2, 1388 he worked as a nuncio in Germany and Bohemia, from March 14, 1407 he was Bishop of Rimini .

Pope Gregory XII. appointed Bandelli in the consistory of September 19, 1408 cardinal priest and gave him Santa Balbina as the titular church . He remained the administrator of the Diocese of Rimini until his death. Pope Gregory XII. appointed him legate for the territory of the Republic of Venice and Romagna . On January 6, 1413 he welcomed Gregory XII. in the cathedral of Rimini, when he sought refuge with Carlo Malatesta , the ruler of the city who was friends with the Pope.

Bandello Bandelli took part in the Council of Constance and died in Constance during the council.


Web links


  1. ^ Bandelli, Bandello. In: Salvador Miranda : The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church. ( Florida International University website , English) names October 1416 as the date of death.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b cf .: Claude Fleury: Histoire Ecclesiastique. Paris 1720. Vol. 20, p. 572
predecessor Office successor
Bartolomeo Barbati Bishop of Rimini
1408–1415 Administrator
Girolamo Leonardi
Ettore Orsini Bishop of Città di Castello
Giovanni del Pozzo