Barbara Adam

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Barbara Elisabeth Adam (born May 3, 1945 ) is a British social scientist who taught at Cardiff University until 2011 .

Live and act

Adam, who received her education in Germany, studied in Cardiff, where she has taught since 1988 after a parental leave break. She specializes in studies of time theory, which she conducts with a special social science focus. In 1992 she founded Time & Society magazine to promote research in this area .

From 1999 to 2009, Barbara Adam held the Max Weber Professorship at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich .

Adam advocates a differentiated view of the phenomenon of time: “The time of the clock is a spatially dividing, chronometric measure. It measures time by the clock hand tracking the rotation of the earth in relation to the sun and providing it with numbers. The clock time as a mental, rational human creation is decoupled from the evolution and the rhythmic choreography of our world, where ultimately everything is linked and connected with everything materially and temporally. "


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Barbara Adam's biography
  2. ^ Barbara Adam: Academy lecture at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences. February 4, 2010.