Barbara Czarnowieska

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Barbara Krzyżańska-Czarnowieska , also known as Miriam (born April 15, 1954 in Krakow , Poland ; † November 22, 2007 in Antioch (Illinois) , USA ) was a Polish philologist , writer and blogger .

At the age of 38, Barbara Krzyżańska-Czarnowieska emigrated to the USA in 1992, where she began working as a writer. Before that she had worked as a translator of Ukrainian poetry. In 2002 she published the poetry collection Modlitwa na odjazd z Krakowa ( Eng . Prayer for Departure from Krakow ). In the same year she wrote her book Pokonać raka (Eng. Conquering cancer ) about her fight against cancer from which she had suffered since 1999. Three years later, in 2005, she won the award for the most successful blogger of the year for her blog of the same name on the Internet portal

She is the descendant of the Polish writer Wincenty Dunin-Marcinkiewicz .

Web links

Former blog of Barbara Krzyżańska-Czarnowieska (pln.)