Barbara Spaniol

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Barbara Spaniol (born September 17, 1963 in Eppelborn - Dirmingen ) is a German politician and has been a member of the Saarland state parliament since 2004 , for Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen until August 6, 2007 , and for Die Linke since then .

education and profession

Spaniol graduated from high school in 1982 and then completed a degree in academic library and information systems in Cologne until 1985 , which she graduated in 1985 as a qualified librarian . From 1989 to 1992 she completed additional studies at the Academy for Office Economics in Grünstadt . In 1990 she obtained the qualification to teach word processing and then became a state-certified teacher for office technology in 1991 . From 1985 to 2004 she worked in the administration of the Saarland state parliament. In 1987 she became a civil servant and held the positions of deputy head of the department for information services and the head of the state parliament library before she last worked in the higher service at the state parliament of Saarland. From 1997 to 2004 Spaniol was the women's representative at the Saarland state parliament and from 2002 to 2004 she was the spokesperson for the working group of women's representatives of the highest state authorities.


Spaniol was a member of the Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen party from 1996 . Furthermore, she had a membership in the state board, in the district board, in the state council and in the Federal Women's Council . She has been a member of the Saarland state parliament since 2004. There she initially held the office of parliamentary director of her group. She was the spokeswoman for the parliamentary group for educational, cultural and scientific policy issues, European policy and women's policy and the second secretary of the state parliament.

On August 6, 2007, Spaniol changed parties and became a member of the left . She was a non-attached MP until the end of the legislature .

Because of her resignation from the parliamentary group, the state parliament filled the office of second bureau secretary on August 29, 2007 with Claudia Willger . Spaniol considered this decision to be unlawful because, in their opinion, she had been elected to this office for the duration of the legislative period, and had announced a lawsuit. In the run-up, she had failed with her application for an injunction before the Constitutional Court .

On October 16, 2013, she was elected to succeed the late Rolf Linsler as the second vice-president of the Saarland state parliament. In her parliamentary group she is the spokesperson for education, women's and media policy.

She is a member of the following committees:

  • Committee for Science, Research and Technology (WiFoTe)
  • Finance and Budget Committee (HF)
  • Committee for Education, Culture and the Media (BKM)

Social functions

  • Member of the education and science trade union GEW
  • Member of Mehr Demokratie eV
  • Member of the sports and games club SSV Homburg-Erbach
  • Member of the Erbach-Berliner Wohnpark interest group in Homburg
  • Pro Familia Neunkirchen support group

Political goals

Quote: “Good education and care for our children must become a matter of course. That is why I advocate relieving the burden on parents: daycare centers and school meals are free! We need more teachers in our schools and the expansion of all-day offers in Saarland. Our university should be expanded instead of reduced.

I am also working to ensure that the diverse cultural landscape in Saarland is preserved and appropriately promoted - from the theater to museums and libraries to the independent scene.

Equal participation for women must not remain a catchphrase either: It must be an end to the fact that they are still poorly paid in care and education professions. "


Spaniol is married to the Saarbrücken doctor and politician Andreas Pollak and has one child. Andreas Pollak himself was a member of the Greens in the Saarland state parliament from 1994 to 1999. Before his wife switched to the left, he also ended his political activities with the Greens.

Web links


  1. ^ Constitutional Court of the Saarland, ruling of August 28, 2007, Az. Lv 9/07 eA, Internet reference
  2. Spaniol elected vice-president ( Memento from October 22, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Report of the Saarländischer Rundfunk from October 16, 2013
  3. Left parliamentary group Saarland
  4. Der Spiegel : Albanian Conditions
  5. Saarbrücker Zeitung : Ulrich fears power plant construction through the back door ( Memento from April 3, 2015 in the Internet Archive )