Barby Kelly

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Barbara Ann "Barby" Kelly (born April 28, 1975 in Belascoáin , Spain ; † April 15, 2021 ) was an Irish-American musician who became known as the fourth youngest member of the Kelly Family in the 1990s.


Barbara Ann Kelly was born in 1975 in Spain as the ninth child of the American teacher Daniel Jerome "Dan" Kelly (1930–2002) and the fifth child of his second wife, the dancer Barbara Ann née Suokko (1946–1982) . She had eleven siblings, four of which were half-siblings. She was named after her mother and was nicknamed "Barby" to distinguish it from her. After her, the siblings Michael Patrick, called "Paddy" (* 1977), Maite (* 1979) and Angelo (* 1981) were born before their mother died in 1982 of breast cancer.

From the 1980s onwards, she and her family took part in street concerts in large parts of Europe. 1994 saw the big breakthrough of the Kelly Family . Within the family band she was responsible for singing and played guitar, accordion and mainly congas. In contrast to her siblings, however, she mostly stayed in the background. In addition, she often contributed to dance performances at concerts. On the 1994 album Over the Hump , which is also the band's most commercially successful, she was featured with the songs Baby Smile , She's crazy and Break Free . Music videos were made for the first two, although they did not appear as a single.

On the following albums Almost Heaven , Growin 'Up and From their Hearts , she was also represented with at least one song. From the latter, the Hooks sung by her together with the It Hurts performed by her sister Maite were decoupled as a double single. From 2000 onwards she only appeared sporadically and was still working on the album La Patata in 2002 , after which she withdrew completely from the public.

After she made a brief appearance with some of her siblings at the end of 2012, her brother Jimmy revealed that she had suffered from a mental illness for several years and that she had therefore not appeared in public since the turn of the millennium. When the Kelly Family made their big comeback in 2017, they were again absent, but were featured on the albums We Got Love and 25 Years Later with individual songs as a "special guest". However, she did not take part in the tours.

She died on April 15, 2021 after a brief illness.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Barby Kelly died. In: Der Spiegel , April 20, 2021, accessed on April 22, 2021 .
  2. a b Barby Kelly (†): Last she lived with foster parents | , accessed on April 22, 2021