Bardo certificate

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The Bardo document (1043 AD) describes the construction and consecration of a wooden church by the Danish Bishop Staggo in Schloßborn in the Taunus, the then "BRUNNON", initiated by the Archbishop of Mainz Willigis (must have been between 983 and 1002 AD .), as well as the later (1043 AD) construction and consecration of a stone church by the Archbishop of Mainz Bardo and the parish boundaries belonging to the church.

Original of the Bardo certificate from 1043, part of the obverse and the reverse

Original Latin text up to the end of the section description

"In nomine sancte et individue Trinitatis. Notum sit cunctis in Christo credentibus presentibus scilicet atque futuris, quod hic est terminus determinationis ecclesie, quam Willigisus venerabilis archiepiscopus in Villa, que dicitur Brunnon , iuss font construi et a Staggone episcito Dan fluorii Wilene et sic fluvium descendendo usque ad eum locum, qui vulgo dicitur Lahc, ubi predia Hartmanni et Gaganhardi finiunt, et sic in fluvium, qui dicitur Scanwilina, et eundum fluvium ascendendo ad eum locum, ubi predia Cuononis ducis et Hartmannanti inde usque in medium montem Veltberc ad eum lapidem, qui vulgo dicitur lectulus Brunhilde, et sic viam quandam usque ad Esgenestruot, ubi Ronebach rivulus oritur, et inde per medium montem Bodenhart, et sic in finem eiusdem montis usque ad eum locum, untubi scamna samna sic posita, et a scamnis usque in illum montem, qui dicitur Wazzonis mons, et inde in fontem qui dicitur Selebrunnon, et sic in rivulum qui d icitur Buochbach, ac totum predium Geroldi in loco, qui dicitur Laresbach, et sic descendendo in fluvium qui dicitur Cruofdera, et eum fluvium descendendo usque ad eum locum, ubi Duosna influit, et illud flumen ascendendo usque in eius fontem et a duosne fluviie in Duosne fluviie plateam que de Wisebadon tendit in Logcenahi, et sic per eam plateam usque ad eum locum, qui dicitur Phal, et sic in Phal in circuitu usque ad fontem Wilene fluvii predicti ... "

German translation until the end of the section description

"In the name of the holy and undivided Trinity. It should be known to all believers in Christ, namely those of today and those of the future, that this is the description of the boundary of the district of the church, which the Venerable Archbishop Willigis in the village called Brunnon ( Schloßborn ) , had it built and arranged for it to be consecrated by the Bishop of the Danes, Staggo: descending from the source of the Weil river to this place, which is called Lahc in the vernacular, where the goods of Hartmann and Gaganhard end, and so on the river called Scanwilina (Schönweil) ( Schmitten ) and ascending up the same river to the place where the estates of Duke Cuono (Kuno) and Hartmann border each other on both sides ( Sandplacken ) and from there to the middle of the Veltberg ( Großer Feldberg / Ts.), To the stone that the people call Brunhilde's bed, and so a certain path to Esgenestruot (Eschenbuschwald), where the Ronebach (Rombach) stream rises, and from there in the middle of the Bodenhard mountain and so to the end of the same mountain to the point where the Scamna (benches) are set up (donkey tail, passes in the Taunus ) and from the scamna to that mountain, which is called the mountain of Wazzo, and from there to the source, called Selebrunnon (Selborn), and so to the little brook called Buochbach (Silberbach), and the Gerold estate to the place called Laresbach, then down to the river of Cruoftera (the one at Kröftel Schwarzbach) and downstream to the point where the Duosna (Theiss) flows in ( Eppstein ), and up that stream to its source (near Engenhahn ) and from the source of the Duosna (Theiss) to the road that leads from Wisebadon ( Wiesbaden ) to Logaenahi (Lahn) and so on this road to the place called Phal (Phalgraben, Limes ) and so along the Phal in an arc to the source of the aforementioned Wilene ... "(Weilquelle).

Further text of the certificate

This church with the entire district was given at the time of Emperor Otto the Younger (King and Emperor Otto III , 983-1002) by the aforementioned Archbishop Willigis of the Church of St. Stephen, the 1st Martyr, located within the Mainz walls for the ministry of the brothers serving God there, with all their benefits. But at that time this church was a wooden structure, which was later thoroughly restored and built in stone at the time of King Heinrich, the son of Emperor Konrad, and the Reverend Mr. Bardo, the Archbishop. The fact that the Reverend Archbishop Bardo himself consecrated this church and confirmed the same district with the entire titular law of this church in complete integrity should not be less hidden . And so that this confirmation would remain firm and undisturbed, he had this certificate written and ordered that the certificate be confirmed by pressing his seal on the lower edge.

But if any person, big or small, has tried to go against this or try to change anything that has happened, he will succumb to the wrath of Almighty God and the holy First Martyr Stephen, and he should not bring his desires to an end and he shall be condemned by the vengeance of the divine curse.

But this happened in the year of the Incarnation of the Lord in 1043, in the 11th indiction . "


  1. ^ Original in the Heidelberg University Library: Heid. Document 331
  2. Adam Gottron : The parish boundary of Schloßborn according to the Bardo document 1043, in: Archive for Middle Rhine Church History , Volume 1, 1949, pp. 268–275 with a map, the Latin excerpt on p. 269
  3. ^ Pastor Otto Raven (1895–1983), Protestant pastor in Neuenhain from 1923 to 1963, updated by Christoph Klomann / Schloßborn
  4. ^ Pastor Otto Raven (1895–1983), Protestant pastor in Neuenhain 1923–1963

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