Cornelius Will

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Cornelius Will (born April 23, 1831 in Großenlüder , † December 8, 1905 in Regensburg ) was a German archivist, diplomat and historian of the Middle Ages.

He completed his studies in Marburg in 1856 with a doctorate on the panegyricus of Benzo von Alba with Heinrich von Sybel . Several stays in Paris followed, and from 1861 Will worked for the register company of the Frankfurt archivist Johann Friedrich Böhmer . He completed some works using the Böhmer estate or re-edited them in an expanded form. In his main job he was archival curator at the Germanisches Nationalmuseum in Nuremberg from 1862 , in 1867 he was appointed to the board of the Fürstlich Thurn und Taxis'schen Central Archive in Regensburg, which was housed in the former St. Emmeram monastery. Later he was also appointed head of the court library. In 1872 Will was appointed to the Princely Real Council. He was involved in local historical research as a board member of the Historical Association for Upper Palatinate and Regensburg (from 1882).

The program for the regests of the Franconian dioceses of Bamberg , Eichstätt and Würzburg , which he published during his time in Nuremberg together with the archivists Eichstätts and Würzburg and the Bamberg cathedral dean and chairman of the Historical Society of Bamberg Johann Rothlauf, did not come to fruition in a timely manner: the first Delivery of the Eichstätter regesta by Franz Heidingsfelder appeared in 1915, Erich von Guttenberg followed with the first regesta for Bamberg in 1932 and Würzburg was developed by Alfred Wendehorst for the Germania Sacra , classical regesta are missing.

The central archive keeps a collection of Williana under F 4 .

Publications (selection)

  • Benzo's Panegyricus on Henry IV: with special regard to the church dispute between Alexander II and Honorius II and the Council of Mantua. Marburg 1856
  • Program for Franconian diocese registers. Bamberg 1866 ( digitized version ).
  • Monumenta Blidenstatensia saec. IX, X et XI: Sources on the history of the Bleidenstat monastery from the estate of Joh. Fr. Böhmer; with additions to printed works and communications from the Codex Blidenstatensis in the k. Reich Archives in Munich. Innsbruck 1874.
  • Regesta archiepiscoporum Maguntinensium. Regesta on the history of the Archbishops of Mainz from Boniface to Heinrich II. 742? - 1288. With use of the estate of Johann Friedrich Böhmer. Edited and edited by Cornelius Will, 2 volumes, Innsbruck 1877–1886.

Web links


  1. Inventory overview