Bartholomew of Pisa

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Bartholomäus von Pisa (* around 1338, † around 1401) was a Franciscan whose main work was written in a well-known and extensive work on St. Francis of Assisi existed.

life and work

Bartholomäus was a member of the Pisan family of the Rinonico, studied theology in Bologna (1375 master's degree) and preached in Pisa and Florence . The De conformitate vitae Beati Francisci ad vitam Domini Jesu ( On the uniformity of the life of St. Francis with the life of the Lord Jesus ), written by Bartholomew of Pisa between 1385 and 1390 , shows exactly parallels between the founder of the Order of the Friars Minor and Jesus Christ . So Bartholomew listed all the miracles and legends about St. Francis up. At the center of his portrayal he placed the stigmata , the wounds of Francis, which, according to tradition, he received on Mount La Verna .

In 1399 Über den Uniformigkeit… was recognized by the Franciscan Order as “excellent”, Bartholomew received a relic of the saint as a gift . Even popes of later times, such as Pius VI. , designated St. Francis as "second Christ".

During the Reformation, Martin Luther (1483–1546) turned against the text On Uniformity… . In 1542 and 1543, the Luther student Erasmus Alber wrote a German and Latin pamphlet, the Koran of the Franciscans, that is, the Blasphemy and Lies Babel of a stigmatized idol, called Francis .
