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Michael III (seated) and Basiliskianos ("Basilikinos") shown in full coronation regalia as co-emperors. Miniature from the Madrid illuminated manuscript of the Skylitz

Basiliskianos (also Basilicinos ; Middle Greek Βασιλισκιανὁς , † after September 23, 867 in Constantinople ) was in September 866 briefly designated co-emperor of the Byzantine emperor Michael III.


The Patrikios Basiliskianos, a courtier of Emperor Michael III, was allegedly a rower on the imperial dromone . After Michael’s victory in the chariot race on September 1, 866 in the hippodrome of the Mamas Palace , he is said to have flattered the emperor at the evening banquet in such a way that he spontaneously made him co-emperor or at least promised to do so. Basiliskianos thus entered into direct competition with Michael's previous favorite Basilius , who had become heir to the throne and co-regent after the assassination of Bardas . When Michael III was murdered . On September 23, 867, Basiliskianos, who had watched in front of the emperor's bedchamber, was seriously wounded and removed from him at the latest after Basil's accession to the throne.

