Baton from Sinope

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Baton of Sinope ( Greek  Βάτων ), called the rhetor, was an ancient Greek historian and literary historian from Sinope , who probably lived in the second half of the 3rd century BC. Lived.

Only a few fragments of Baton's works have survived ( The Fragments of the Greek Historians No. 268). According to Strabo , he wrote a work on Persia ( Persika ), which is often regarded in scholarship as his main work. He also cites a book “about the tyrants of Ephesus ” ( Περὶ τῶν ἐν Εφέσῳ τυράννων ), a book “about the tyranny of Jerome of Syracuse ” ( Περὶ τῆς, τοῦ Ίενδς ”( Thessaly) and τερων Thessμου ίυρανς ( Thessaly ) ίνδς (thessalien ) Περὶ Θεσσαλίας καὶ Αἱμονίας ), and "about the poet Ion" ( Περὶ Ϊωνος τοῦ ποιητοῦ ). He may also have written a history of Attica.

The death of the tyrant Jerome of Syracuse in 215/14 BC. BC is the last event mentioned in quotations from Batons. At the same time, he must have lived before Strabo in any case. One of the historians criticized by Polybius in his histories , but not mentioned by name, who reported on Jerome, probably included Baton. The book of Eratosthenes Against Baton may also refer to him.

Baton seems to have been a rhetorician by profession .

Editions / translations

  • Paul Christesen: Baton of Sinope (268). In: Brill's New Jacoby (text, English translation and commentary).


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  1. Strabon, Geographika 12, 546.
  2. Athenaios , Deipnosophistai 7, 289 c.
  3. ^ Athenaios, Deipnosophistai 6, 251 e.
  4. ^ Athenaios, Deipnosophistai 14, 639 d.
  5. Athenaios, Deipnosophistai 10, 436 f.
  6. Polybios, Historiai 7.7; see. on this Klaus Meister : Historical criticism in Polybios. Wiesbaden 1975, p. 161 and p. 190.
  7. ^ Athenaios, Deipnosophistai 14, 639 d.