Building materials engineering

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The building material engineering science is an interdisciplinary science. It combines scientific and engineering content. The scientific disciplines include, in particular, physics , chemistry , mineralogy , and crystallography . In terms of engineering, the course is part of civil engineering .

Building materials engineering deals with research into building materials and materials . In addition to teaching content in materials science and special building chemistry , essential properties, processing options and fields of application of materials such as metals, glass, ceramics, plastics and natural stone are dealt with. In addition, knowledge about building materials (including building materials) is imparted. These include the inorganic (e.g. cement, gypsum, lime) and organic binders (polymers, bitumen), rocks (especially aggregates such as sand, gravel and chippings), wood and wood-based materials, plastering, masonry and screed mortars and concretes as well special building materials such as tile adhesives, insulation materials, polymer-modified concretes, ultra-high-strength concretes (UHPC), special concretes. For this purpose, various analysis methods, such as B. Scanning electron microscopy , light microscopy , X-ray diffractometry , optical and acoustic particle size determination , infrared spectroscopy and chemical analyzes are used and building material tests are carried out according to the standard.

Form priorities

  • Composition and characterization of building materials and materials,
  • Identification and analysis of structural and material damage,
  • Refurbishment concepts for restoring the function of the building elements as well as static upgrading, in the context of the conversion of buildings and upgrading of existing buildings with regard to fire protection and thermal insulation,
  • Planning and execution of renovation measures both in the field of monument preservation and historical buildings as well as concrete renovation,
  • Research into new materials e.g. B. to improve the functionality and ecological balance factors of building materials as well as with regard to more efficient production, material savings and material compatibility,
  • Possibilities of mechanical process engineering for the preparation of building materials as well as the recycling of building materials (e.g. gypsum recycling, recycling of carbon concrete, processing of broken concrete for the production of RC concretes) and
  • Choice of building material for ecological, sustainable and permanent construction.

The comprehensive material science degree is supplemented by internships, projects and the increasingly independent scientific processing of practice-relevant tasks.

The job description of the building materials engineer in the German-speaking countries is shaped in this form by the master's degree in building materials engineering at the Bauhaus University Weimar . In addition, there is a bachelor's degree in civil engineering with a specialization in building materials and renovation. Various universities and technical colleges in Germany, Austria and Switzerland offer courses in related or special areas of construction or materials or materials technology as well as process engineering and chemical engineering . Related courses of study are materials science and materials science .