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The Bayern-Kini (Bavarian for Bayernkönig or König von Bayern ) was a quiz show on Bavarian TV in 1984 .

This quiz show was moderated by Herbert Gogel , who at the same time was also recognizable for various sports moderators in Bavaria . The broadcast date was once a week in the evening.

The background was to let Bavarian citizens from the various Bavarian administrative districts compete against each other. Knowledge questions from Bavarian history, politics, culture and customs were asked. But geography and local knowledge were also in demand. These questions were accompanied by film recordings, some of which were specially shot, including historical recordings from the Munich Oktoberfest in the early 1980s .

New edition

22 years later, in 2006 , Bayerischer Rundfunk put on his time slot Bayern 1 the 1980 annual quiz for broadcasting new, and titled it this time with Bavaria's best Bayern . In this new edition as a telephone quiz , celebrities from radio and television also took part in the individual government districts, such as B. the singer Nicki for Lower Bavaria .