Basin size

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Different pool diameters
Conjugata diagonalis (AC)

Pelvic dimensions are important dimensions of the maternal pelvis in obstetrics . One differentiates the inner from the outer tank dimensions, the former only by vaginal or intraoperative measurements or radiological measurements can be determined, while the latter z. B. can be measured with a pelvic compass.

The following pelvic dimensions play a role in obstetrics:

  • External basin dimensions:
    • Distantia interspinosa : Describes the distance between the two anterior superior iliac spines : 25–26 cm.
    • Distantia intercristalis : Describes the greatest distance between the two iliac crests : 28–29 cm.
    • Distantia intertrochanterica : Designates the distance between the two greater trochanters : 31–32 cm.
    • Conjugata externa : Describes the distance from the upper edge of the symphysis to the spinous process of the 5th lumbar vertebra: 20–21 cm.

Conjugata vera = Conjugata externa - 9 cm.

  • Inner basin dimensions:
    • Conjugata vera (obstetrica) : The "true size of the pelvis". Describes the distance from the promontory of the coccyx to the posterior surface of the symphysis . This dimension describes the narrowest point of the birth canal (see birth mechanics ).
    • Diameter transversa : Describes the distance between the most lateral points of the pelvic entrance.
    • Diameter obliqua : Describes the transverse pelvic diameter between the sacroiliac joint and the eminentia iliopubica .
    • Conjugata anatomica : Describes the connection between the upper edge of the symphysis and the promuntorium of the sacrum .
    • Conjugata diagonalis or midwife diameter: Designates the distance between the lower edge of the symphysis and the promontory of the sacrum. This measure can be measured vaginam and can be used to estimate the conjugata vera .
    • Conjugata recta : Designates the distance between the lower edge of the symphysis and the lower tip of the coccyx .

Conjugata vera = Conjugata diagonalis - 1.5 cm.

Pelvic circle

Pelvic circle

The pelvic circle is used in obstetrics and is used to determine the outer pelvic dimensions of women . The results are used to estimate whether the respective pelvis is large enough for a natural birth .


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Individual evidence

  1. Акушерство та гінекологія. Підручник - генофонд науково-технічної бібліотеки ДВНЗ “Національний гірничий університет”. In:, 2000, accessed September 7, 2015 .
  2. KJ Bühling, W. Friedmann (Ed.): Intensive course in gynecology and obstetrics . 2nd Edition. Elsevier Urban & Fischer, Munich, Jena 2009, ISBN 978-3-437-42401-4 , pp. 232 .