Meeting of married couples

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The encounter of married couples ( en . : Encounters of Married Couples , pl . : Spotkania Małżeńskie , ru . : Супружеские Встречи ) is an association of believers in the Roman Catholic Church . It was certified in 2004 by the Pontifical Council for the Laity and entered in the official register . The number of participants in the events is given as 8,000-10,000 married couples, and around 3,000 people are counted as members. It is mainly located in Central and Eastern Europe .


The initiator of this Christian movement is Stanislaw Boguszewski, who organized the first meetings with married couples in Canada . He brought this idea to Poland , which was then co-organized by the married couple Irena and Jerzy Grzybowski in 1977. The new movement spread from Warsaw via Poland to other Central and Eastern European countries. The first statute was written in 1996 by Bishop Edward Eugeniusz Samsel . On August 15, 2004, the Pontifical Council for the Laity issued the Decree of Confirmation as an international association of believers under papal law.


The most important element in relation to self-image is dialogue , which is why the meeting in Poland is also called "dialogi" and is also known as "Dialoge". Dialogue is the form of communication between the married couple and with God, it is used within the church and society as a form of communication. Clear rules of dialogue were set up, which are intended to form a connecting element both between the spouses and church teaching. The practical form of dialogue is mainly practiced on the “ Retreats for Married Couples”, but new forms of dialogue are also practiced. From these encounters, further programs are to develop that are aimed at remarried, divorced and future married couples. At the same time, counseling programs take place on several social levels and for further preparation, be it holiday courses for families, preparation courses for adoptions or programs for priests and religious who work as marriage counselors. Everyone is invited to the general and special retreats, regardless of age and involvement in the Church. “As stated in the statute,“ The association aims to renew the covenant between women and men with themselves and with God, similar to the love of Christ and the Church (Ef 5: 21-33). The work of the association aims at a deeper understanding and the experience of the essence of the sacrament of marriage in accordance with the Kan. 1055 and 1056 and thus creates the basis for the development of the whole family as a domestic church "(Statute, Article 10)"

Organization and dissemination

The organizational structure is structured from bottom to top, in the local community there is an encounter of at least three married couples and a priest, within the diocese the regional centers are formed and the regional centers form the regional executive committee. The board members consist of six to eight people, each with a chairman, a deputy and a treasurer. In a two-year period, the delegates meet for common prayer and consultation, the term of office of the board members is fixed at four years. Meetings exist in the following countries: Belgium , Germany , England , Kazakhstan , Latvia , Lithuania , Moldova , Russia , Ukraine , United States and Belarus . About 1,500 married couples are named as registered members, while the participation in events of the encounter with 8,000 to 10,000 people is indicated.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bishop Edward Eugeniusz Samsel (1940-2003) was the delegate of the Polish Bishops' Conference for Catholic Movements
  2. About the Christian family order in Paul's letter to the Ephesians ( Eph 5 : 21-33  EU )
  3. Excerpt from the decree (752/09 / S-61 / B-109) of the "PONTIFICUM CONSILIUM PRO LACIS" [1]