Cornelis Frans Adolf van Dam

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Cornelis Frans Adolf van Dam (born March 6, 1899 in Amsterdam , † January 25, 1972 in Utrecht ) was a Dutch Romanist and Hispanist .


Van Dam came into contact with Spanish at the commercial school and in the shipping office . He initially studied Dutch in Utrecht, but then switched to Spanish. From 1922 he stayed regularly in Madrid in the Centro de Estudios Históricos by Ramón Menéndez Pidal .

It was 1928 in Utrecht doctorate with work (ed.) Lope de Vega, El castigo sin venganza (Groningen 1928, Salamanca 1968) and occupied starting from 1927 at the University of Utrecht one created for him Chair in Spanish (the first Dutch professor for Spanish in general), which was converted into a full professorship in 1951 with the establishment of the Spanish Institute. In 1955, when Ibero-Romance and Latin-American Romance Studies were being built up in Utrecht, Portuguese and Brazilian were added, for which he was the first Lusitanist to win Hendrik Houwen's post . After 42 years of professorship, van Dam retired in 1969.

Van Dam was a corresponding member of the Real Academia Española (1931) and holder of the Order de Isabel la Católica (1932), as well as Knight of the Order of the Dutch Lion (1967).


Monographs, dictionaries, tools

  • Oefeningen ter vertaling in het Spaans , Zutphen 1932, 1942, 1946, 1954, 1962
  • Spaans leesboek voor beginners , Zutphen 1932, 1943, 1947, 1954
  • Spaans handwoordenboek Spaans-Nederlands / Nederlands-Spaans , 2 vol., The Hague 1932–1937 (1186 + 1132 pages; supplements 1938, 1941, 1942), most recently in 1989
  • Van Goor's miniatuur Spaans woordenboek , The Hague 1935, 1943
  • Las mil y una expresiones de la lengua Española , The Hague 1938, 1946, 1954
  • (with Henriette Catharina Barrau) Kramer's Spaans woordenboek , Amsterdam 1948, most recently 1987
  • (with Enrique R. Goilo) 2000 pinnacles vertaald in het Papiaments , Willemstad (Curaçao) 1953
  • Spaanse spraakkunst , Zutphen 1953, most recently 1967
  • (with Henricus Theodorus Oostendorp) Gramática holandesa , Madrid 1960, 1965; ud T. Gramática neerlandesa , ed. by Hans Tromp y Enrique Bernárdez, Madrid 1982
  • Spaanse spraakkunst voor iedereen , Utrecht 1961, most recently 1971

Editing and translation work

  • (Ed.) Pío Baroja , El mundo es ansí , The Hague 1937
  • (Ed.) Jacinto Benavente , Rosas de otoño en La vestal de Occidente , The Hague 1938
  • (Ed.) Ramón Pérez de Ayala , Tigre Juan , The Hague 1940
  • (Translator with Johan Willem Frederik Werumeus Buning, 1891–1958) Miguel de Cervantes , El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha , Amsterdam 1941–1943, 1944, 1950, 1957, 1963
  • (Ed.) Sebastià Juan Arbó , Tierras del Ebro , The Hague 1950
  • (Translator) Het leven van Lazarillo de Tormes en over zijn habenwaardigheden en tegenslagen , Utrecht 1953


  • Homenaje. Estudios publicados para celebrar el tercer lustro del Instituto de Estudios Hispánicos, Portugueses e Ibero-Americanos de la Universidad Estatal de Utrecht , The Hague 1966
  • Hendrik Houwens Post, [Obituary with list of writings], in: Jaarboek van de Maatschappij der Nederlandsche Letterkunde te Leiden , 1972–1973, pp. 95–105

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