Sociology of the Disabled

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The sociology of the disabled (also sociology of the handicap or the sociology of the disabled ) is a special sociology . Her research subject is the social reality of disabled people . In doing so, the not only takes into account the social constructions of disability, but also the social causes of disabilities or damage and the social reactions to supposed deviations .

The sociology of the handicapped is institutionally tied to special and curative education or rehabilitation science faculties. In the main subject sociology it plays a rather marginal role, but has led to a clear sociologization of the relevant pedagogical sub-disciplines.

Basic writings on the sociology of the disabled come from Erving Goffmann and Michel Foucault . The history of this special sociology began in German-speaking countries in 1967 with a lecture by Christian von Ferber at the 65th German Welfare Day: "The handicapped person and society". In 1972 Walter Thimm published the pioneering volume of material “Sociology of the Disabled”. Günther Cloerkes finally ensured that the scientific discipline was established with his textbook “Sociology of the Disabled. An introduction". Oriented towards Goffmann, the sociology of the disabled was strongly committed to the interactionist approach in its early years . In the meantime, the theories of Niklas Luhmann and Pierre Bourdieu are also used in social science research on disabled people.

Along with demographic change , the incidence and prevalence of aging disabled people has increased.


  • Günther Cloerkes: Sociology of the handicapped. An introduction , 3rd, revised and expanded edition with the participation of Kai Felkendorff and Reinhard Markowetz, Heidelberg: Winter, 2007, ISBN 978-3-8253-8334-3
  • Jörg Michael Kastl : Introduction to the sociology of disability , 2nd edition, Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag. 2017 (published in 2016), ISBN 978-3-658-04053-6
  • Walter Thimm (ed.): Disability and Society. Texts on the development of a sociology for the disabled , Heidelberg: Winter, 2006, ISBN 3-8253-8329-6
  • Anne Waldschmidt and Werner Schneider (eds.): Disability studies, cultural sociology and sociology of disability. Explorations in a new field of research , Bielefeld: Transcript, 2007, ISBN 978-3-89942-486-7 .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Jörg Michael Kastl in the book review of the Cloerkes standard work (socialnet)
  2. Stigma. On techniques for coping with damaged identities , Frankfurt am Main 1967.
  3. Madness and Society. A story of madness in the age of reason , Frankfurt am Main 1969, as well as: The birth of the clinic. An archeology of the medical gaze , Munich 1973
  4. See the disciplinary-historical outline by Anne Waldschmidt and Werner Schneider, 'Disability' as a social science research field , in this. (Ed): Disability studies, cultural sociology and sociology of disability. Explorations in a new research field , Bielefeld 2007, pp. 9-25, here p. 11 f.