Anne Waldschmidt

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Anne Waldschmidt (* 1958 ) is a German sociologist who teaches as a professor at the University of Cologne and mainly researches and publishes in the field of disability studies . She holds the first university professorship for sociology and politics of rehabilitation, disability studies in German-speaking countries.


Waldschmidt studied sociology , political science and history at the University of Bremen and the University of Edinburgh . She completed her studies in 1984 as a social scientist and then worked for three years for the workers' welfare in Bremen. From 1988 to 1991 she was a specialist in gene and reproductive technologies for the parliamentary group of the Greens in Bonn. From 1992 to 1995 she then held a position in the curative education and human genetic counseling research project at the University of Siegen . In 1995, Waldschmidt was awarded a Dr. med. At the University of Bremen with the study "The Subject in Human Genetics" rer. pole. PhD . She then took on a substitute professorship at the University of Siegen for two years. This was followed by a job as a research assistant at the University of Dortmund in the DFG research group “Living in Curved Landscapes. Flexible normalism in working life and everyday life, media, elementary and fictional literature ”. From 2000 to 2002 she was professor of social science in the nursing management department at the Evangelical University of Nuremberg . Afterwards she was appointed professor of sociology in curative education, social policy and social management at the University of Cologne. Since 2009 her professorship in Cologne has had the denomination Sociology and Politics of Rehabilitation, Disability Studies . As a result, Waldschmidt's position in Cologne became the first full professorship for disability studies at a German-speaking university.

In other countries, Waldschmidt has been a visiting fellow at the Center for Biomedicine & Society, King's College London (2008), visiting professor at Stockholm University (2008), visiting research professor at the Center for Disability Studies at Leeds University (2010) and visiting professor at from the University of Vienna (2011).

Areas of work and international networking

Anne Waldschmidt's research interests are body sociology , sociology of knowledge , political sociology , sociological aspects of biopolitics , norm , normality, normalization and disability, self-help organization, representation of interests and political participation of disabled people, disability history, social, health, rehabilitation and disability policy in international comparison, Discourse theory , discourse analysis and qualitative-empirical social research.

Waldschmidt has been head of the International Disability Studies Research Center (iDiS) since 2004 and was a founding member of the Center for Diversity Studies (cedis) at the University of Cologne in 2006 . In 2012 she was a founding member of GeStiK - Gender Studies in Cologne.

From 2007 to 2015 Waldschmidt was a member of ANED - Academic Network of European Disability experts . From 2013 to 2016, the 7th Research Framework Program of the EU ran the project "DISCIT - Making Persons with Disabilities Full Citizens - New Knowledge for an Inclusive and Sustainable Social Model" for 3 years, in which Waldschmidt participated.

In 2019, in cooperation with ALTER, European Society for Disability Research, and the Technical University of Cologne, she held the 8th international ALTER annual conference at the University of Cologne. From 2018 to 2021 she heads the research project funded by the German Research Foundation “Dispositive of 'dis / ability' in social change. (Gainful) work as biographical experience and everyday practice in the context of (non-) disability ”.

Waldschmidt has been editor of the book series Disability Studies: Body - Power - Difference since 2007, together with Thomas Macho , Werner Schneider , Anja Tervooren and Heike Zirden .

Fonts (selection)

  • The subject in human genetics. Expert discourses on the program and conception of genetic counseling 1945 - 1990 , Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, 1996 (also dissertation, University of Bremen, 1995), ISBN 3-929586-80-0
  • Disability Studies, Cultural Sociology and Sociology of Disability. Explorations in a new field of research , Bielefeld: Transcript, 2007 (ed. With Werner Schneider), ISBN 978-3-89942-486-7
  • People's knowledge. Bioethics, everyday life and power on the Internet , Wiesbaden: VS, Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2009 (with Anne Klein and Miguel Tamayo Korte with the collaboration of Sibel Dalman-Eken), ISBN 978-3-531-15664-4
  • Disability History. Constructions of Disability in History. An introduction , Bielefeld: Transcript, 2010, (ed. With Elsbeth Bösl and Anne Klein), ISBN 978-3-8376-1361-2
  • Self-determination as a construction. Everyday theories of disabled women and men , 2nd corrected edition, Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag, 2012, ISBN 978-3-531-17538-6 (1st edition 1999).
  • Continuities, caesuras, breaks? Life situations of people with disabilities in contemporary German history , Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 2016 (edited with Gabriele Lingelbach), ISBN 978-3-593-50520-6
  • Culture - Theory - Disability: Encounters between Disability Studies and Cultural Studies , Bielefeld: Transcript, 2017, (ed. With Hanjo Berressem and Moritz Ingwersen), ISBN 978-3-8394-2533-6 (Open Access)
  • Understanding the Lived Experiences of Persons with Disabilities in Nine Countries. Active Citizenship and Disability in Europe Volume 2 , London, New York: Routledge, 2018, (edited with Rune Halvorsen, Bjørn Hvinden, Julie Beadle Brown, Mario Biggeri and Jan Tøssebro), ISBN 978-1138652927 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. International Research Center for Disability Studies
  2. ^ Center for Diversity Studies
  3. gestures - Gender Studies
  4. ANED ( Memento of the original from April 12, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  5. 7th Research Framework Program of the EU , which ended on December 31, 2013
  6. ^ "Making Persons with Disabilities Full Citizens - New Knowledge for an Inclusive and Sustainable Social Model", EU-funded project, duration: 2013 - 2016
  7. Histories, Practices and Policies of Disability: International, Comparative and Transdisciplinary Perspectives - Retrieved October 28, 2019 .
  8. DFG - GEPRIS - Dispositive of 'Dis / ability' in social change: (gainful) work as biographical experience and everyday practice in the context of (non-) disability. Retrieved October 28, 2019 .
  9. ^ Book series Disability Studies: Body - Power - Difference (transcript Verlag): Disability Studies. Body - power - difference. Retrieved March 10, 2020 .