Nancy Benedictine Convent

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The Benedictine monastery Nancy was from 1669 to 1792, a priory of Benedictine nuns of the Blessed Sacrament in Nancy in Meurthe-et-Moselle ( Diocese of Toul ) in France.



Katharina von Lothringen (1573–1648), daughter of Duke Charles III. and from 1611 abbess of Remiremont , founded the nunnery Notre-Dame-de-Consolation (Maria Trost) in Nancy in 1625 . Margaret of Lothringen (1615–1672), daughter of Francis II and wife of Gaston de Bourbon, duc d'Orléans , managed to incorporate this monastery into the reform congregation of the Benedictine Sisters of the Holy Sacrament founded by Mechtilde de Bar . The convent existed in this form (in the Rue Saint-Dizier) from 1669 until it was dissolved in 1792 by the French Revolution . There are no leftovers.

Nancy macarons

In Nancy, the nuns made pastries, the famous macarons . Some of the survivors of the revolution continued this activity in a street that was later called “Rue des Sœurs-Macarons”. Today there is a “Maison des Soeurs Macarons” on Rue Gambetta, near Rue Saint-Dizier.


In 1812 the surviving nuns teamed up with those of the monasteries of Toul and Rambervillers and began a new monastic life in the vacant monastery of the Augustinian choir women in Saint-Nicolas-de-Port .


  • Gaston Charvin (1887–1973): L'Institut des Bénédictines de l'Adoration Perpétuelle du Saint-Sacrement . In: Priez sans cesse. 300 ans de prière. Laudetur Sacrosanctum Sacramentum . Desclée de Brouwer, Paris 1953, pp. 54-174.
  • Laurent Henri Cottineau : Repertoire topo-bibliographique des abbayes et prieurés . Vol. 2. Protat, Mâcon 1939-1970. Reprint: Brepols, Turnhout 1995, column 2027.
  • Nicolas Luton Durival: Description de la Lorraine et du Barrois . Tome second. Veuve Leclerc, Nancy 1779, pp. 36-38.
  • Ildephonse Hervin and Marie Joseph Dourlens: Life of the Venerable Mother Mechtilde of St. Sacrament, founder of the Institute of the Benedictine Sisters of the Eternal Adoration of hh. Sacrament . Steyl 1887, 1899.
  • Léon Germain de Maidy: La cloche des Bénédictines de Nancy (1624) et la formule «Loué soit le Très Saint Sacrement de l'autel, à jamais» . In: Revue de l'art Chrétien 1895, pp. 145–147.

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