Benedictine convent Rouen

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The Benedictine monastery Rouen (also: Monastère de l'Immaculée-Conception ) has been a monastery of the Benedictine Sisters of the Holy Sacrament in Rouen ( Archdiocese of Rouen ) in France since 1677 .


Mechtilde de Bar founded the fifth convent of her congregation in the Rue des Arsins in Rouen in 1677 under the name Immaculée Conception ( Immaculate Conception of Mary). In 1683 the convent moved to Rue Morand , where in 1718 Marie-Madeleine Corneille (1655-1738), the daughter of Pierre Corneille , made perpetual profession as Madeleine de la Croix Angélique de la Miséricorde . When the monastery was closed by the French Revolution in 1792 , the sisters survived underground. In 1802, through a private foundation, they were able to move into the former Paulaner monastery in Rue Bourg-l'Abbé (No. 14), which was given to them in 1825 and which they still live in today. In 1977 they celebrated the three hundredth anniversary. They produce pastries under the product name Magdala , after the homeland of Maria Magdalena (Maria von Magdala ). A picture of the Blessed Paulan Nicolas Barré (1621–1686) hangs in the monastery.

The Tourcoing Benedictine convent was founded in Rouen in 1814 (first in Arras ).


  • Laurent Henri Cottineau : Repertoire topo-bibliographique des abbayes et prieurés . Vol. 1. Protat, Mâcon 1939–1970. Reprint: Brepols, Turnhout 1995. Column 2550.
  • Philippe Méry: Abbayes, prieurés et couvents de France . Editions du Crapaud, La Roche-sur-Yon 2013, p. 388.
  • Auguste Reneault: Le monastère des Bénédictines du Saint-Sacrement fondé à Rouen in 1663 . Fécamp 1923.

Publications by the Convention

  • Les bénédictines du Saint-Sacrement de Rouen . Rouen 1977.
  • Catherine de Bar: Lettres inédites 1614–1698 , ed. from the Bénédictines du Saint Sacrement de Rouen. Rouen 1976.
  • Catherine de Bar: En Pologne avec les bénédictines de France , ed. from the Bénédictines du Saint Sacrement de Rouen. Téqui, Paris 1984.

Web links

Coordinates: 49 ° 28 ′ 19.4 "  N , 0 ° 45 ′ 22.9"  E