Berberis hybrido-gagnepainii

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Berberis × hybrido-gagnepainii is a species of the genus barberries ( Berberis ).

It is a hybrid of Gagnepain's barberry ( Berberis gagnepainii ) and the warty barberry (Berberis verruculosa) . The evergreen shrub with loosely standing branches can grow up to 1.5 meters high. The leaves are narrow, elliptical-lanceolate, up to 6 centimeters long, with 3 to 12 protruding spiked teeth on each side, dark green on the top and greenish white on the underside. The yellow flowers appear in May. The fruits are frosted black and gray-blue. Berberis × hybrido-gagnepainii originated as a cultivated form and is very often used as an ornamental shrub.

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  • 'Chenault', the synonym Berberis × chenaultii is also used for this variety .
