Berberis rubrostilla

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Berberis × rubrostilla is a species of the genus barberries ( Berberis ). It is a hybrid of the cluster-fruited barberry ( Berberis aggregata ) and a variety of Wilson's barberry ( Berberis wilsoniae var. Parviflora ).


The deciduous (deciduous) shrub is round and can reach heights of 1.5 meters. The bark of the angular branches is initially finely haired, later colored reddish-brown. The thorns are usually three-part and up to 2 inches long. The leaves are fresh green on the top and bluish green on the underside , obovate, narrow, up to 3 centimeters long and veined; they have 6 fine thorns on each side.

The flowers are light yellow, up to 2 inches long and appear in June; they are 2 to 4 in up to 2.5 centimeters long umbel-like grapes. The fruits are egg-shaped, up to 1.5 centimeters long and are coral-red.


Berberis × rubrostilla originated as a cultivated form and is often used as an ornamental shrub.
