Skakawiza mountain hut

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"Skakawiza" mountain hut
"Skakawiza" mountain hut
Mountain range North-West Rila Mountains
Regions Rila National Park
Geographical location: 42 ° 13 '48.6 "  N , 23 ° 18' 12.3"  E Coordinates: 42 ° 13 '48.6 "  N , 23 ° 18' 12.3"  E
Altitude 1876  m
Skakavitsa mountain hut (Bulgaria)
Skakawiza mountain hut
Built 1921-1922
Construction type Hut; stone
Usual opening times all year round
accommodation 79 beds, 0  camps

The mountain hut "Skakawiza" (Bulgar. Хижа "Скакавица"; abbreviated: х. Скакавица) was the first mountain hut in Bulgaria . It was built in 1921 and 1922 by tourists and members of the Dupnitsa City Tourist Association . The mountain hut is located 1876 meters above sea level in the northwest of the Rila Mountains, which in turn are located in the southwest of Bulgaria.

The hut is located in the Rila National Park , in the Skakawischka Valley, in the Goljama Skakawiza area , on the eastern slope of the 2531 m high Kabul summit.

The building is a massive, three-story construction with 79 beds, its own sanitary facilities, water supply and its own power supply from a water-powered generator. It is heated with stoves for solid fuels. There is a dining room, a kitchen and a small bar for tourists.

The mountain hut is listed as number 25 among the 100 national tourist objects of Bulgaria created by the Bulgarian Tourist Board.

Neighboring mountain huts and hiking routes

Starting points for the ascent to the Skakawiza mountain hut

  • from Panichishte village (Bulgarian Паничище) - approx. 2.5 hours walk
  • from the town of Saparewa Banya - approx. 4 hours walk