Bernardo Segni

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The "Pala" by Bernardo Segni (Netto) in the Accademia della Crusca

Bernardo Segni (* 1504 in Florence ; † 1558 ibid) was an Italian patrician , philosopher , historian and translator.

Bernardo Segni was sent by Cosimo I de 'Medici as the Tuscan ambassador to the imperial court in Vienna and held numerous other public offices in Florence. He translated some classical works, especially by Aristotle and Sophocles . He also wrote two historical works: "Istorie fiorentine" was a story of the city of Florence from 1527 to 1555, and "Vita di Niccolo Capponi" - they were not published until 1723.

Works / translations

  • Rettorica et Poetica d'Aristotile tradotte di greco in lingua vulgare fiorentina , Florence 1549.
  • Trattato dei governi d'Aristotile tradotto di greco in lingua vulgare fiorentina , Florence 1549.
  • L'Ethica d'Aristotile tradotta in lingua volgare fiorentina et comentata da Bernardo Segni , Florence 1550.
  • Il trattato sopra i libri dell'anima d'Aristotile , Florence 1583.


Web links

  • Segni, Bernardo. In: Enciclopedie on line. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome. Retrieved January 18, 2016.