Bernward Hoffmann (Librarian)

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Bernward Hoffmann (born October 14, 1945 in Norden ; † October 18, 2015 in Stuttgart ) was a German professor of information transfer , specialist information and special libraries .


Hoffmann completed his Abitur in Berlin and then studied German and history in Aachen and Heidelberg. From 1971 to 1979 he worked at the Württemberg State Library in Stuttgart. Before that, he passed the exam to become a qualified librarian in the senior service.

In 1972 he became a teacher for special tasks (LfbA) at the library school in Baden-Württemberg. In 1976 a teaching position at the University of Applied Sciences for Libraries in Stuttgart followed. Hoffmann still worked as a LfbA at the University of Library and Information Science (since 2001: University of the Media ) before he was appointed professor there in 1995. He held this position until his retirement in February 2011. He was succeeded by Magnus Pfeffer .

Works (selection)

  • Bernward Hoffmann: The distribution and preparation of the publications of the European Communities: Report on an information meeting . In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen and Bibliographie: united with Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen; ZfBB; Organ of the scientific library system . tape 25 , no. 6 , 1978, p. 535-538 .
  • Bernward Hoffmann: The opinion of the training commissions of VDB and VdDB on the joint training of librarians and documentaries . In: Paul Kaegbein, Hans Joachim Kuhlmann, Helmut Sontag (eds.): Libraries as information mediators: problems and models; Lectures given at the 1978 Library Congress from May 16 to 20 in Stuttgart (=  Journal for Libraries and Bibliography Special Issue ). Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main 1979, ISBN 3-465-01369-7 , p. 175-179 .
  • Bernward Hoffmann: Job profile librarian: stations and positions; Selected texts and bibliography on the professional field in academic libraries and information facilities . 2. unchangeable Edition. VdDB, Regensburg 1993, ISBN 3-924659-18-4 , p. 248 .

Individual evidence

  1. . Retrieved October 26, 2015.
  2. ^ Heidrun Wiesenmüller : Professor Bernward Hoffmann (1945–2015) - an obituary dated October 26, 2015. Accessed on October 26, 2015.
  3. Magnus Pfeffer as the successor to Prof. Bernward Hoffmann on July 31, 2014. Accessed on October 26, 2015.