Berthold Leibinger Future Prize

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The Berthold Leibinger Future Prize

The Berthold Leibinger Future Prize is an international award for outstanding research on the application or generation of laser light . It has been awarded every two years by the Berthold Leibinger Foundation since 2006 with a non-purpose-related prize money of 50,000 euros most recently (as of: 2018 announcement). The international jury consists of laser experts, doctors and business representatives.

See also: Berthold Leibinger Innovation Prize

Award winners

year Award winners institution area
2006 H. Jeffrey Kimble California Institute of Technology Resonator quantum electrodynamics
2008 Xiaoliang Sunney Xie Harvard University Single molecule biophysics and nonlinear optical microscopy
2010 Federico Capasso Harvard University Quantum cascade laser
2012 Osamu Kumagai Sony Corp. Multi-wavelength diode laser for backward compatibility of three generations of optical drive systems
2014 Philip Russell Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light Photonic Crystal Fiber (PCF)
2016 Gérard Mourou École polytechnique Chirped Pulse Amplification
2018 Karl Deisseroth Stanford University Optogenetics

Web links

supporting documents

  1. Ludwigsburger Kreiszeitung, May 27, 2008: Chinese receives Leibinger Future Prize