Bertil Svahnström

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Bertil Gustav Salomon Svahnström (born August 18, 1907 in Byarum , Jönköpings län , † July 16, 1972 in Stockholm ) was a Swedish journalist , author and a personality of the Swedish and international peace movement .


After graduating from school, Svahnström studied at Berlin University (1931–1933). Between 1928 and 1936 he worked for the Swedish news agency Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå , then a correspondent for various Swedish newspapers in Germany, including Svenska Dagbladet and Stockholms-Tidningen .

Since 1959 he worked for the pacifist magazine Freden (Eng. "Peace"). In 1961 he was one of the founders of the organization Kampanjen mot atomvapen (KMA; Campaign against Nuclear Weapons) and was its first chairman. In July 1967 he was one of the organizers of the Stockholm World Conference on Vietnam. In 1970 he was a member of the International Commission to Investigate US War Crimes in Vietnam .

In 1970 he was awarded the International Lenin Peace Prize.


  • Hakkorsets tidevarv (period of the swastika). Stockholm 1944.
  • Europa mellan east och väst (Europe between east and west). Stockholm 1948.
  • Skallmänskligheten överleva? (Will humanity survive?). Stockholm 1958.
  • Atomvapenfrågan i Sverige (The atomic weapon issue in Sweden). Stockholm 1962.
  • Ett kärnvapenfritt Norden (Northern Europe free of nuclear weapons). Stockholm 1963.
  • Det elektroniska kriget (The electronic war). Stockholm 1972.

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